Profiles based on Laney' TI100 - Tony Iommi (Black Sabbath) signature amp

  • The latest Soundside pack will bring you some killer metal profiles.

    This pack includes 44 profiles of a Laney Tony Iommi signature amp.

    more soon ...

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    Edited 2 times, last by Armin (March 2, 2014 at 3:09 PM).

  • Even single notes sound very rich and full!

    Unlike any other amp I know - this one includes 8(!) preamp tubes - so much gain - even in the rhythm channel.

    This amp can create the rich dark signature sound of Black Sabbath - but can be dialed for other metal tones as well.

    The amp manual includes the signature settings used by Tony Iommi - and I profiled this as well.

    In total your’ll get 44 profiles from both channels - so there should be a great setting for different styles and used guitars.

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  • Here is some more information about the amp and profiles:

    This are profiles of a Laney TI100 tube amp - the Signature Tube Amp from Black Sabbath guitar player Tony Iommi.
    We profiled this amp with a 4x12" V30 speaker cabinet.

    All profiles were dual miked with a Shure SM7B and a Royer R121 microphone.

    This set of profiles offers both - raw profiles of various amp settings (like you are used to get from our other profiles sets).
    And in addition some ‘preset’ settings - as found in the amps user manual - this includes the signature settings of Tony.

    The 44 profiles are named like this:

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  • All profiles are amp only - without any effects.
    You can add any of the inbuilt KPA effects.
    Tony uses curtently only this amp - and playes the old songs as well as the new ones.

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  • Not to say it doesn't sound good, and I'm a fan of your profiles but I wish that instead of so many profiles at various settings you would maybe half the setting variations and do an alternate mic selection as well. Say half SM7b/121 and the other half SM57/121.

    Especially for the 'metal profiles'

  • Good idea!

    I actually did it for the latest pack #52
    There are half of the prifiles single miced - for a more classic Marshall sound
    and the other dual miked - for a warmer blues sound.

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  • I see what you mean - but the goal of all my packs (up to now) is to sound as close as possible to the real amp next to me.

    This was and is my philosophy.

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  • Still think you could benefit a little from a couple other mics to throw in there for more extreme stuff like leads settings and metal amps. sm7b and 121 are great mics, but not very commonly used above pop rock.

  • Yes, you are right - some of my other metal packs use other mics incl. the SM57.

    I prefer the SM57 & R121 or SM7B & R121 over a single SM57.

    In case you get to much bass - just reduce it with a post EQ.

    Here is a nice shootout:
    SM57 vs. SM7B

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    Great Profiles -->

  • Personally speaking I think the 121 is a great compliment to the 57. I'd sure be happy if you split the profiles into 57/121 and 7b/121 in future. Perhaps then you'd get recording friendly profiles and amp in a room friendly profiles

    Just an opinion
