Anyone here done an European tour? (Or just gigging in Germany in general)

  • Another thing to consider is the fact that there is normally a HUGE difference between week and week-end Gigs.
    This is probably an issue everywhere, but it seems to me that germans tend to be even less prone to stay up "unter der Woche" i.e. on week days.
    We used to run a small venue here in Heidelberg and it got really frustrating sometimes to see great, great bands playing just for us organizers and 5 or 6 people...
    We still enjoyed it though!
    So, if you're playing during the week, you'll definitely need to have some kind of local support that will draw some attention.
    If not, it'll generally be you playin for the other band...

    Cheers and good luck!

  • You mean students in school or university.

    The Semester for university-students usually starts at mid October. I think 13th or 20th. In case you want to play in a smaller Student-City like Marburg (hey, Unearth played there in December on a monday in front of around 150-200 ppl) NEVER ever play there during the holidays. Those cities are simply dead. I think the summer holidays start from 18th july and and last until mid october.

    Here are the autumn holidays for school-students. But I don't consider them your main target group. :)…rbstferien.html