Opinion on song idea

  • That's a really stomping riff! Personally I like the "no mid guitar" version better, sounds a lot more defined. Although I'd like to have more variety in this song (vocals, lead guitars, maybe an extra riff?), it still has a very nice groove to it :thumbup:

  • Thanks. I wasn't sure if the 8 string was helping or not. I can also pan the rhythm to fill it up as well so will try that next. It is not really song shaped yet and I imagine the lyrics (if they ever come) will give things more structure.

  • I have to say the 8 string is more unique. There is nothing wrong with the "no mid guitar" version. However, if you are searching for your own touch and something unique that would grab the listener; I would keep using the 8 string. Got my attention quick when I heard it.

    “When the power of love overcomes the love of power the world will know peace.”

  • I have to say the 8 string is more unique. There is nothing wrong with the "no mid guitar" version. However, if you are searching for your own touch and something unique that would grab the listener; I would keep using the 8 string. Got my attention quick when I heard it.

    I really wanted it to work just for the fact that I wanted something different. So I did proper dual tracks with panning to give it another shot and found a better sound for the 8 string and posted a new one to compare to. It still needs some cleaning up but the progress shows with the little extra put into it.

    Edited once, last by K3MP3R (February 24, 2014 at 5:31 AM).