Merging technologies

  • Just wanted to share something I was messing around with this morning. This has axe fx2 content so let me preface by saying I have no strong opinion, I like both, I use both. But today, I used both together! For anyone who has both you may want to try this.

    Guitar cable, kemper (using boost and amp from kemper) monitor out, cabs off into axe fx 2' useing cab (new ultrares with firmware 13) delay and reverb into matrix q12.

    Most fun I've had with Frfr to date. Have been leaning toward power amp/cab recently but what I was getting out of my matrix today was really good.

    Having an own hammer ultrares v30 loaded into axe fx 2' using rig manage to scroll through jcm800 amps on the exchange was sweet. Many profiles I didn't like before seemed much more usable to me. Also using lower game plexi, Jtm type tones into an own hammer ultrares pre rola 412 was really good.

    Haven't experimented enough to make any final conclusion, and also was playing at low volume so may not translate to high volume as well, but I can't wait for the missus to come home to take up kid minding duty so I can dig into this a little more.

    If you have both, give it a go and let us know what you think.

  • Guitar cable, kemper (using boost and amp from kemper) monitor out, cabs off into axe fx 2' useing cab (new ultrares with firmware 13) delay and reverb into matrix q12.

    Don't forget, Kemper Cabs OFF still leaves some magical Kemper 'steroids' on the Profile, so the new Ultrares with firmware 13 that you're using still has Kemper steroids added.

    Having an own hammer ultrares v30 loaded into axe fx 2' using rig manage to scroll through jcm800 amps on the exchange was sweet. Many profiles I didn't like before seemed much more usable to me. Also using lower game plexi, Jtm type tones into an own hammer ultrares pre rola 412 was really good.

    Did you change the cab on the JCM800 exchange Profiles you didn't like to Till's cabs or Andy's TAF Mars 1987x cab and compare them to the Own Hammer Pre Rola 412?

    Fair enough, your thread is about 'merging technologies', so I get your point.
    I'm just checking if you've used the Kempers full potential on it's own before doing the technology merge?

  • Yep, know about the bit the kemper leaves in and like the mojo it brings.

    Have tried switching cabs with profiles, do it quite a lot, I have lots of jcm800 profiles I like. Just to be clear, I not saying I'm looking to fix something I perceive wrong with the kemper, or the axe for that matter - just that I tried something today, I liked it and wanted to share for others who have both systems if they wanted to try. No harm in experimenting;-)

  • Yep, know about the bit the kemper leaves in and like the mojo it brings.

    Have tried switching cabs with profiles, do it quite a lot, I have lots of jcm800 profiles I like. Just to be clear, I not saying I'm looking to fix something I perceive wrong with the kemper, or the axe for that matter - just that I tried something today, I liked it and wanted to share for others who have both systems if they wanted to try. No harm in experimenting;-)

    Absolutely, I understand.
    Thing is, that's a very expensive rig.
    Down here where I live, at the current exchange rate, the cost of those two rigs is the same as a good used VW Golf. :)

  • I used to try and run Kemper rigs with cab off through a VST IR loader.
    Never got anything that sounded nearly as good as the Kemper cabs, which should be the same as you're doing with the XFX 8|

    "But dignity is difficult to maintain
    stamina requires constant upkeep
    repetition is boring
    and you pay for grace."

  • Yes this reeks of overthinking things
    Have you tried the Kemper di out into Fractal? Then you could run a patch from each- that would work well! I do that with my amps & it slays

    Reeks of over thinking?, lol hardly. You ever try pedals with the kemper? Switch cabs on a profile? What's the difference here. Simple as this, fractal came out with a new type of IR technology, I think it helped my frfr setup which I wasn't really digging. Then I was curious how the kemper would run in that application.

    The one thing I didn't do was over think whether I should try it or not, i did not think whether I should spin the cab on the profiler or any other thing so as to kill my curiosity about hooking the systems together. Simple curiosity guys, nothing more, nothing less. Result was on some things I liked it, on some others not so much. No Biggy.

  • I'd actually would like one just for the use of even better effects. Are there any sound difference on the effects from the ultra to #2( and XL)? Don't get me wrong, the kemper ones are good, but still limited, in many ways.
    (Oh and I think most of the amp sounds from the axe units are beyond crap)

  • I'd actually would like one just for the use of even better effects. Are there any sound difference on the effects from the ultra to #2( and XL)? Don't get me wrong, the kemper ones are good, but still limited, in many ways.
    (Oh and I think most of the amp sounds from the axe units are beyond crap)

    For effects only I'd say a 2nd hand standard or ultra would do the job. Improvements in effects have been made on the 2, but I think most focus has been on amp modeling and more recently amp cab interaction and ir's. I don't use a lot of effects but have had success with the kemper going 4 cable method with the axe. Guitar into axe fx for comp, wah, dirt etc, then out to kemper for amp/cab and back into axe for chorus, delay, reverb etc. really don't want to have this thread turn into a kemper vs axe thing. I use both, I use them both on their own and both together depending on my mood and what I'm looking to do.

    Ideally if you are able to try before you buy you should. When I'm using the kemper I do not feel that I NEED to hook up to the axe for effects, I just sometimes do... They work well together IMHO

  • Only very briefly, didn't try enough to form any opinion other than the profile I tried it on didn't benefit from it so I moved on,

    I was curious if using a specific Ownhammer IR (cab .kipr file) in the Kemper produces similar results to running the Kemper into the Axe running the same IR.