dry recording?

  • Hey All

    not sure thats what its called but i need to now record a track in my songs that has no effect on it for re amping later?

    so far with my kemper i just run the stereo analog outs to the symphony system i have and into cubase on a stereo track, so 2 outs, stereo track bam. i set up whatever profile and effects i want and BOOM< great sound and done

    however the guy who mixes my stuff wants a track of clean that he can re amp IF NEEDED and not be commited to the sound i picked

    so can i run a cable out of the kemper out of the DIRECT OUT output? and then say use the LEFT out analog for the track in cubase with the profile and effects and then select the Direct out in my patchbay for another track in cubase that is now dry and clean?

    not sure i am making sense but any help would be great

    i basically now need a track of the profile and one that is clean, so if the track with the profile sound doesnt work in the mix he cna go to the clean and re amp it or pick another sound?

    and it needs to come from the same performance etc

    thanks for any help!

  • Hi, you get a dry guitar on Direct Output, set Direct Output to Git Analog or Git Studio (for a higher studio level) on Output section page 1. You can even record the wet guitar in stereo if your interface has more than two analog inputs.

    Open a support ticket here: SUPPORT

  • Hey great

    unfortunately i only have 2 inputs on the symphony card, its a 2x6 system

    so i do need to set up something in the kemper though to do this correctly, the output is not automatically setup then?

    i will check out the manual


  • Cool

    when i read in the manual it says the Direct out is by default set to dry out

    If you’re not using this output as part of an effects loop, it will carry the original
    guitar signal. So, if you want to record your guitar dry, connect the DIRECT OUTPUT to the recording
    device or audio interface input.

    and this in the kemper advanced manual

    (Only available and default setting for the Direct Output).
    The pure and clean instrument signal is sent to the Direct Output by an analog
    splitter, no AD/DA conversion is taking place. The analog signal level is the same as
    on the instrument input. Useful for reamping or running a second amp in par
    so do i actually need to reset anything in the setup?

    thanks, just trying to wrap my head around this

    Edited once, last by trock (January 8, 2014 at 4:26 PM).