Kemper PowerRack through Marshall 1960B Cabinet ... Ohmage? How do you set on the Kemper?

  • Hey guys ...

    My Marshall 1960B cabinet is a standard 16 ohm Marshall cab. Does the PowerRack automatically adjust its output to match the connected cab, because I cannot find any output menu or switch on the back to switch the output between 8-16 ohm?

    Looks like with a 16 ohm cab I'll be getting 300w from the PowerRack, which should be fine because I'm driving 4 75w celestions. However, If I switch to an 8 ohm cab with 4 75w speakers (looking at a Mesa cab), will this cause problems and blow the speakers?


  • Just use the same output from the KPA and take note of what ohm rating the cab is when calculating the output (600w at 8 ohm; 300w at 16 ohm) - there is no setting of ohm-age on the KPA itself.

    If it's any comfort to you, I was initially worried about using the PowerRack with my 16ohm/120w 4x12" (lowest rated speaker is a 30w G12H30), but all seems okay so far if I'm careful with the master output level on the KPA - I think that it would be easy enough to hear if the cab is struggling!