AxeFx II played live by Metallica

  • Shut up or you will say another stupid thing.

    I imagine this turning out something like this monty python taunting scene, english vs french.


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  • the burr brown ic is not that special at all... Sure it is a little more expencive, but I would be surprised if one would cost more than a few dollars. Especially in bulk.

    It is not special but it is different for sure and it is in the signal path. It will change the sound.
    Alberto asked if he used OPA1612.

    Check what you've got if you look for OPA1612 :

    By the way there will be a new input secret sauce which means new filter (hardware and software).
    As i said it would be a miracle if the XL sounds like the standard version.

  • Woahh! Arretez! These are mature forums, no need to sledge.

    I'm curious to know why they didn't call it the Axe FX 3 if there's something very different about the tones. I imagine a new input might brighten, darken things up a bit, but the tone engine remains the same.

    Also, why not include these new filters in the original Axe FX-II? Seems like a money spinning tactic to me, don't see why they shouldn't be available across versions.

    The firmware update failsafe is a good idea, imo. I have something similar on my RME Fireface 800, makes sure it doesn't turn into an expensive brick.

  • I don't care what he does below the belt. If he wants to shave down there, so be it. I just suggest shaving off the mullet do to lack of hair. It looks terrible and he's past middle age. It's time to give it up. He needs to act his age.

    I still dislike him over the whole Napster ordeal. Guy needs to grow up.

    I agree but if he does what you say, the carpet might as well match the drapes, for sex appeal at least, no?

  • Come on guys .... It's not a new Axe-FX ... They just announced an upgrade, mainly more memory (for who need that), some more connectors and a new input hardware.

    They do not sell it as a new FX. You find 500$ more for just that is too much .... lucky you, the other version is still available.

  • I should hope his new secret sauce fixes the old sauce then! That sauce removed more than noise, it seriously colored the signal. I used it in a 4 cable setup and measured a 5 db loss at 8kHz with my guitar when using the Axe in front, as opposed to going straight to the amp, or using the rear input.

  • Do a search for the outshined cover by that TGP Fractal guy. It's tone and playing aint good.

    Is anyone surprised the thread was deleted?
    TGP's digital modelling section has for a long time been a PR outlet for certain companies.
    All dressed up as "honest folk talking about the gear that works for them". To the point where sane grown ups give nonsensical excuses for things sounding bad, just to belong to the status quo.

    Imo the Metallica grammy's performance was not great, the piano idea, the tuning, the playing.
    It can happen. But the guitar sounds were also not great. When it came to the pro / real / world stage they got found out.

  • Thanks for the links, a fun read. The first link "Grammy's Fractal Tuner Fail" is now deleted and can't even be found in web cache. Unlike before they now use "Robots exclusion standard" or something on the gear page that makes it impossible to find deleted threads, to censor what is written. Can any web wizard here find that thread cache??! I even tried waybackmachine and site: search.
    Metallica is not a smart marketing point for fractal audio since it sounds so bad when they perform and many complain.
    The censorship on both the gear page and fractal audio axe fx forum is embarrasing, and Scott plays a big role on both those forums.

    Here is another deleted 11 page thread on the gear page where users disliked Cliff for bashing competition and Scott for protecting him again. Since it was not good publicity for fractal audio they decided to censor and delete the thread and punish users who complained.
    Are The DSP Wars Over? - TGP thread copy, 2012 October 29 (open urls in firefox)

    Locking a thread can sometimes be fair, but not deleting threads. That is what corrupt countries do.
    Long live censor free gear forums where members are not silenced :thumbup:

    Edited 4 times, last by orko (February 1, 2014 at 12:56 AM).

  • To be honest, I saw the Metallica + Lang Lang video and think that the mixing was the issue. Too much bass, guitars too low, piano drowned out for the most part.

    It actually sounded pretty good to me, from the perspective of a guy that's spent his whole life listening to old albums where the mixing wasn't always up to today's "brutal" standards. Playing wasn't too shabby either. More of a mix thing, couldn't hear any differentiation between instruments.

    That said, I'm pretty sure it would have sounded better with a Kemper. I'm a non-visiting TGP user and I think they have a problem with keeping things honest and real. Like a big gang of thugs, in some ways, but a bunch of poofs in others.

    Some guys are nice on those forums though. Don't brush them all over in the same paint stroke.

  • I may have been responsible for that thread ending. Or not. Coincidence? It died right after my posting.

    Scott likes to tell others, me for example, to essentially shut up about the Kemper.
    So I poked fun at him. He made a retort that I was making fun of working musicians, and I poked fun, again.


    Most people get it, Scott does not. So here I'll reveal my methods of dealing with other human being for all to read:

    Ready for it? Here it is: Fuck with me, I Fuck back. Respect me, and find Respect returned. Be a friend to me, and you'll find a friend in me.

    Revolutionary, isn't it?

    In Game Theory, specifically The Prisoners Dilemma, it's called the "Tit for Tat" strategy and has been found the be the most successful strategy
    for human mutual cooperation for those engaged in more than one meeting.

    Since Scott's a religious person, I'll put it in terms he'll relate to easily: The Golden Rule

  • it CANNOT be called an AXE FX III.... (thats next month)... there are ONLY TWO PROCESSORS... and if you don't find that funny... we'll you might need a sense of Humour... which some people don't really have.

    Especially if you just bought the FX II non XL jiggery pokery thingumajig that will undoubtedly sound different to the 'old' FX II and costs more (so it MUST be better) ho ho ho.

    Thankfully I'm in Kemper Wonderland.

    :) LOL

    Careful I'm watching you...