Bass Bundle Pack ( Aguilar, David Eden, Orange Terror Bass, Fender Bassman, G. Krueger ...)

  • Hi guys! we have released our first Bass bundle pack.
    Five amps, 23 profiles.
    Clean , lowt end, distorded, all of this has been covered :)

    Small sample HERE(1080p for the best Audio Quality)
    Aguilar Profile used HERE TOO(1080p for the best Audio Quality)

    You can get it here

    The pack contains this:

    Cabinet: David Eden 4x10
    Mic: Audix D6
    5 Profiles

    Cabinet: Orange TB 1x12
    Mic: Audix D6
    4 Profiles

    Cabinet: Ampeg Classic 4x10
    Mic: Audix D6
    5 Profiles

    Cabinet: Ampeg Classic 4x10
    Mic: Audix D6
    5 Profiles

    Cabinet: Ampeg Classic 4x10
    Mic: Audix D6
    4 Profiles

    CHEERS! :)

  • Yes! At long last! I've been eagerly awaiting this pack and what a fine pack it is! I just got it along with a few other profiles I haven't got yet. I have pretty much everything you have released so far and I'm a huge fan! I like it when you release more than one profile of the amps, gives some variety. I would love to see some clean channel profiles down the road as well. You are fast becoming the goto place for great Metal profiles. Great job and I look forward to all of your future releases.

  • Yes! At long last! I've been eagerly awaiting this pack and what a fine pack it is! I just got it along with a few other profiles I haven't got yet. I have pretty much everything you have released so far and I'm a huge fan! I like it when you release more than one profile of the amps, gives some variety. I would love to see some clean channel profiles down the road as well. You are fast becoming the goto place for great Metal profiles. Great job and I look forward to all of your future releases.

    Thank you so much for your words VictorRattleHead.
    Means a lot to us that people enjoy with our profiles and they use'em in their productions/live. :)

    We will still working hard and profiling some non-famous amps in the near future (Laney Nexus Tube, Randall Satan etc) as individual profiles we will cover every channels and more options this time, not just "one plug and play" profile :thumbup:

    By the way, MAX MORTON made a quick demo posted in Ultimate Metal Forum using this new bass pack and our Bogner Uberschall profile.

    Sounds HUUUUUUUGE 8o

  • Hey there, i'm interested in the Aguilar profile, could you upload some more clip of it? In the youtube video, it's really hard to distinguish the bass as the guitars are pretty loud..

  • Icem4n - Well you delivered again. These Bass profiles are incredible! As a metal fan these are a a must have in my opinion. I find myself using your profiles more and more. I really look forward to your multiple profile packs with various channels and some great cleans as well. You do such a great job it would be a shame to limit your hard work to one profile. Thanks! :)

  • Yeah i did, sounds good! ;) Still, i'm too sure if it's exactly the tone i'm after... it's hard to say as i'm not familiar with the mic you used. I usually blend a 421 and a U87 to mic a bass amp. May i ask what bass you used to make those clips? Also i'm curious what pre did you used to make the profiles?

  • Yeah i did, sounds good! ;) Still, i'm too sure if it's exactly the tone i'm after... it's hard to say as i'm not familiar with the mic you used. I usually blend a 421 and a U87 to mic a bass amp. May i ask what bass you used to make those clips? Also i'm curious what pre did you used to make the profiles?

    I have used and old Ibanez Gio (yes the cheap one) with EMG-PJ set on it. I really like how it sounds for my metal tunes.
    The preamp i use is Universal Audio 4-710D Twin Finity :)

  • This bundle pack will receive a free upgrade regarding last Kemper Namm2014 news :)

    All the bass profiles included in this pack sounds killer blended with the Bass DI , but only works in the recordings inside a DAW.
    Mixready profiles as soon as they release this :thumbup:

    From #namm2014


    "1st NAMM News Leak: Parallel Path for Bass Processing
    This is a feature dedicated for electric bass, can be utilized with any other instrument as well, of course. The Profiler offers a variety of profiles for bass players already, as well as loads of effects and distortion FX that can be used in combination with a bass. But, just like with traditional bass rigs when playing through a distorting amplifier or a distortion pedal, the bass can loose some fundamental bass frequencies. That’s why a parallel feed of the clean bass signal usually is mixed in parallel to the distorted or otherwise processed signal for maintaining the bass frequencies and the original dynamics.
    The Profiler now features an optional parallel signal path from the instrument input straight to the output for exactly this purpose, bypassing the Stack section and all effects including the delay and reverb. When the parallel path is activated, it also grabs Stomp A and B away from the regular signal path and puts both into the parallel path. This provides Stomp A and B for applying a compressor and an equalizer individually to the parallel path, while Stomp C and D and the effects remain in the regular signal path. This is great for both live and recording situations."

  • This is great news from Kemper! I just wonder how will they make sure the 2 signals are at their best phase relation to each other... When i use amp+DI i usually delay the DI a few samples so less freqs cancels.

  • Beeing parallel one signal will be phase reversed like the "phase" button on any DAW. (i suppose)
    Awaiting for this FW update after Namm Show

    Nah, you'e just talking about a phase flip here... witch is 180 degree phase invert... Usually the "best" blend of the 2 signals will be somewhere in the middle.