SOLVED: "Kemper Profiler The Deeper View and Reference Manual in English" PDF corrupt?

  • Hey Gang,

    So I was at the Kemper site today - downloading the "

    Kemper Profiler The Deeper View and Reference Manual in English "

    It downloaded fine, but when I tried to open it using my PDF editor, it said that it was corrupt. Is anyone else seeing the same thing? I'm able to open up, for example - the MIDI parameter reference with the same PDF editor just fine.

    Im interested in the Firmware 2.2 version of the Parameter reference.

    Thanks ;)!

    Edited once, last by gorillabendz: Issue solved ... (November 18, 2013 at 9:43 PM).

  • Hmmm weird .... I checked the file size, and it seems that the file is incomplete ... It says 2.68 Mb on the site, but it's only 570K or so when I downloaded it. Anyone seeing the same? BTW, Im having the same issue downloading FW 2.2 release though.

    Shall keep trying ... maybe something'll give?

    If anyone has any ideas though, please share?

    Thanks a ton!