How does the power head upgrade work?

  • Hi, I presently own the Kemper Head but am interested in upgrading to the Power Head version. I know that you can apply the discount in the online store of 350 Euro off of the 2150 Euro price for a net of 1800 Euro. What I don't quite understand is that is roughly $2550 US...which is essentially what I can buy it for in the US with anyways without a discount. Just wondering where the upgrade savings is supposed to be?


  • Hi GForces,

    You are correct, it does not end up being "that" good of a deal, but it is a better deal than yhou can obtain via the retails, even if only slightly better by a hundred or 2 after all costs. What I did was, I told the retailer about kempers program, and proved to them that I actually had the code (I purchased my original kemper from them anyway, so they already had this proof). Then I told them, I would rather buy from THEM, than from Kemper direct because of foreign shipping delays, and warranty. The place I got mine, gives a 2 year warranty on the kemper, and I already heard of several stories of people returning them to this place with no issue. So, I really wanted to purchase from them, not from kemper, but I wanted the price with the kemper discount. They gave it to me and matched kempers price with the discount applied! I ended up paying them less than $2300 for a powered kemper, shipped to my door. That is a very SWEET deal. I highly recommend buying from this SWEET place. From this point on, this SWEET store, has all of my business!

    P.S. I also ordered 750.00 worth of more gear at retail cost..... But I did this only after he agreed to the deal...

    **Edit** Just so we're clear.... the PRICE I negoatied with that SWEET store is:
    Kemper Price: $2730 US
    DIscount : -$440 (US Discount)
    Shipping : +$15 (Kempers shipping price)
    Total to match: $2305 SHIPPED to your door, NO tax

    Oh, and BY THE WAY... I SOLD my kemper for $1600 outside of ebay (made contact via ebay though) and took a 3% paypal loss. So I "netted" $1552. This means the power amp cost me $753... so much for $600.00. If I had to do the transaction through ebay, it would have cost me another 10% ($160), so total for that would have been $913.... We're NO WHERE near $600 upgrade costs..... X( 8| ?( :thumbdown: :wacko: :S

    Just my 2c

    Edited 3 times, last by MikeH (October 31, 2013 at 9:30 PM).

  • On another note.... I am very happy with my powered kemper, in fact, I love it and am so glad that I have it. I dont like to go around bashing kemper much, but that "upgrade" had me a little miffed too. I also had problems actually obtaining the code, they seemed to be very "strict" about giving it out and making me dot and cross all my i's & t's. This actually had me a little disheartened about the kemper company, as they didnt live up to a promise they gave us early adopting consumers.... That promise was that we could send our amp in for an upgrade to get the power amp for $600.00. Well.... not only could you not do that (and I understand why), but, they didnt really give you any DECENT compensation..... The upgrade plan consists of spending a few hours listing, packing, shipping, selling & taking risks with bad buyers to sell your OLD kemper. Then, buy a NEW kemper, for probably what is a MUCH bigger difference than $600.00. I mean for real??? This is our upgrade??? AT LEAST sell us the powered kempers at cost or a small profit for not following through! Secondly, you have to get it from GERMANY, which, means if it breaks, you probably have to send it BACK to Germany to get a new one. THe US retailers will just send you a new one, it will take a week! Soooo.... who's fault is this? Well, its certainly Kemper's..... but..... YOU should take it up with the retailer. The retailer has to stand by the product as well, and if you were sold a kemper with the promise of an upgrade, and THIS is the upgrade, a GOOD retailer will rectify this for you! In turn, the retailer will deal with this with Kemper themselves if they have enough issue. But I am willing to bet, if you purchased your kemper thorugh a major retailer, they WILL work with you on this. OR you can just try to price match as stated above....

    ANYWAY..... Like I said.... Love my kemper, i've long since moved on from this.... After I got my powered kemper, they were removed from my Shi*list. :)