Power amp kemper & Cabinet advice..... do not be afraid of the cab!

  • One major limitation not mentioned here is it only does 8 ohms and above safely (according to the specs), which is one reason why I went for the unpowered rack.

    My big-ass FRFR monitor is 4 ohms, like a lot of larger monitors. The new matrix FR212s are likewise 4 ohms. And if you want to stack 2 FRFR speakers eg 2 x Q12, again that's 4 ohms. So to me it really only suits players who use 1 smaller FRFR cab

    OTOH many guitar stacks are 16 or 8 ohms, so that's not a bad fit for them, 2 x 16 ohm cabs would roar! I'd definitely check the cab first before cranking it that it's not 4 ohms!

    From all accounts I've personally heard it does sound really good. :)

  • I think FRFR is really dependent on the FRFR. I had a QSCK10 and ELX112p with my Non powered Toaster and I found in a live setting, I needed to find a single cab setting and lock it. In a vacuum, the different cab settings are nice, but when establishing a live mix, the various tones from different cabinets made in song rig switching a hassle. BTW, I hated the K10. With certain cabs, I really liked the ELX112p. Tills 1960A in particular had a very IN THE ROOM amp feel to it.

    I've since sold the toaster, finding myself yearning for another, so I bought another one and am on the list for a CLR. I am curious to hear how it sounds into the return of my 5:50 and 60w DeVille.