FCB1010 hum (power transformer)

  • Hi folks,

    My FCB is doing some annoying noise or more precisely hum... I've done some googling and apparently it is related to the power tranny and tighning the bolts should fix the problem. I took the pedalboard apart yesterday and checked all the screws were tight and even inserted a piece of plastic between the transformer and the metal sheet to compensate for any slack that could allow the tranny to vibrate. After putting all back together the hum is still present and I don't know what else to do.

    The thing is that if you step on the pedalboard, the hum ceases momentarily, and after you remove your foot the hum kicks back....

    This is most annoying, any ideas or experiences dealing with this issue? There are many users with the FCB1010 so someone may have had similar problems.

    Thanks in advance for your ideas.


  • I had two units exchanged because of that humming issue, but even the third i received did it, so i placed an old plectrum between transformer and case. That stopped it. Also try to loosen the screws of the bottom cover just a tad, that also lowered the humming noise.

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