Killed a poweramp with ground lift?

  • Hi folks,
    I am having serious problems with my guitar set up. Here is how everything is hooked up:

    220 V power outlet (grounded) into Belkin multi-outlet powerstrip - connected with KPA / 2 wegdes / Crate Powerblock / laptop adapter

    The KPA is hooked up to the inputs of a Line6 UX2 - outputs to wegdes. UX2 is connected with laptop via USB.
    KPA monitor out was connected with a Crate Powerblock

    Now the story: Before the setup above the power came from a Furman Power Factory Pro and then into the devices. 3 days ago I came into the room and I noticed a smell of burning. Next I found out that the power cable to the Furman Power Factor was burnt and the power was shut down. While I tried another cable I saw that it overheated too and the Furman said good bye to me with some nice clouds of smoke. Before I tried the Furman with no other devices connected and it worked so far. But with other devices connected it just started sizzling and I also got an electric shock by touching the metal chassis. It felt like real 220 V (not a creeping current). Maybe the big capacitor was blown? I don't know. I opened it but I couldn't see any burn marks.

    This is part one of the story. Now part two: Today I connected as descibed at the top. Because the hum while playing was much more than normaly I tried to hook up everything again. I thought maybe it has to do with the order I plug into the power sockets. Whatever - no idea and no change. Than I remembered the groundlift at the back of the KPA. I switched the one for the monitor out and it blew the fuse of the Belkin. I detached all the devices and switched on the Belkin again. Then a connected the power cable to the Crate Powerblock and it started sizzling and smelling. After trying another cable on another power outlet it did the same so I can conclude that it also died.

    I have to say that I am living in Thailand. Maybe it is important to mention. Any idea what causes the problems? Maybe it is just accidental that two devices broke down? Why did it happened while I switched the ground lift?

    I would be glad if somebody has some hints. Thanks.

  • I think the hum is noticeable because you're connected to multiple devices on a single power outlet.

    It's also possible the connection is not earthed properly, which can also cause humming problems. This is likely to be the reason you got a shock when touching the metal chassis of the power supply.

    Not too sure why the Crate died when you switched on ground lift. Maybe someone else has an idea. But it's never a good idea to have too much load on a single output, always divide it up when possible.

    Be careful that you don't blow up your Kemper, dude!

  • I have to say that I am living in Thailand. Maybe it is important to mention. Any idea what causes the problems? Maybe it is just accidental that two devices broke down?

    I dunno... I'm not familiar with electrical standards in Thailand.

    I will say that the symptoms you've experienced (especially the burned cords and blown fuses/devices) suggest that something's seriously miswired. Not necessarily your rig, but perhaps the outlet into which you're plugging the power conditioner. Maybe a hot/neutral or hot/ground reversal...?

    I'd get an electrician to check it for you...