600 watts not enough ?

  • Hello Forum

    Im Dorrus from the Netherlands and I have a new Kemper Profiling power rack.
    Yesterday I used it for the first time practice with my band .
    Not in the P.a. system but the red output into a 1x12 engl cab.
    It sounded realy good but didn't cut trough the mix very well.
    The Kemper power rack should be 600 watts wright?
    But my engl sovereighn 60watts amp is really a lot louder than the Kemper powerrack ( at the red speaker output that is )
    When I turn the master volume up, its going louder untill the indicater is somewhere halfway.
    The second half til full indicater volume doesnt seem to add more volume to me, what am I doing wrong ?

    Greatings Dorrus

  • There is some power amp boost in the master section (I guess)... CK mentioned it somewhere, I just don't know where.... did you activate that? Should be in the manual.
    The rating shouldn't be a problem, it should at least be as loud as with the sovereign. I wouldn't turn it up louder though ;)

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • There is some power amp boost in the master section (I guess)... CK mentioned it somewhere, I just don't know where.... did you activate that? Should be in the manual.
    The rating shouldn't be a problem, it should at least be as loud as with the sovereign. I wouldn't turn it up louder though ;)

    Thanx !
    There is indeed a 12db power boost in the output section.
    That should do it :D

  • Its a big deal louder with the power boost at + 7 db indeed.( stil 5db extra to go )
    But if I compare the volume with my Engl Sovereign 100 watts amp, the Engl still is louder with the master volume only at 12 o clock, wile the Kemper is turned up all the way with the extra 7db power boost.
    Is it possible that a shiva 85 watts tube amp going to be louder than a 600 watts digital amp ?
    I used the same bogner 2x12 os cabinet into the red speaker output on the back of the power rack.

  • What exactly are you expecting? That 600 watts is going to be six times louder than 100 watts...? That's not how it works. Doubling the volume requires ten times as much power.

    A SS power amp needs to have power in reserve for headroom: the difference between the average and peak program level. In my experience with modelers, a 600 watt SS amp ought to give about the same kick as a 100 watt tube amp.

    Also, it's meaningless to compare the positions of knobs on two completely different amps...

  • I didnt now that, thanks :)
    I don't expect my Kemper to go ten times louder and really i'm glad it doesn't :D , But I did expect it would go as loud as my other 85 and 100 watt amps.
    To make that more clear ( and only as an example) I talked about the switch positions on the other amps
    So comparing the knob positions whas not my point.
    What I tried to say whas, that my tube amps did the trick and still had a lot off reserves left , wile the Kemper did the trick at maximum power with less reserves left

    Edited 6 times, last by Dorrus (October 13, 2013 at 11:02 AM).

  • Its a big deal louder with the power boost at + 7 db indeed.( stil 5db extra to go )
    But if I compare the volume with my Engl Sovereign 100 watts amp, the Engl still is louder with the master volume only at 12 o clock, wile the Kemper is turned up all the way with the extra 7db power boost.
    Is it possible that a shiva 85 watts tube amp going to be louder than a 600 watts digital amp ?
    I used the same bogner 2x12 os cabinet into the red speaker output on the back of the power rack.

    Nope 8)

    The extra 5 dB in there more than triples the watts ya know. Assuming you've utilized the available headroom within the Kemper (close to red output led) and going into an 8 ohm load, you're now below 200 watts...400 watts to spare.

  • The fuck?
    I tested the Kemper Power Module this weekend with a 6dB Boost (simple TR to symmetric converter). With 6dB Boost and the monitor out's volume set to max - I nearly died ._. What cabs are you using?

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar