do I need to buy profiles?

  • Today, I'm in love with you Simms-Watts profiles. wow! Awesome profiles.

    Thanks! Glad you like it.
    We are not a commercial operation per se. Rather a recording and post production house. We have (and we keep building up) a library of sounds for production small and big therefore time is limited. As most of us are guitar and amps fanatics whenever we have some studio downtime we do some profiling. Those profiles have proved worthy in the field. The won't be foe everybody in every occasion as it is true for production and mixing in general but hopefully will be enjoyed by some.
    Regarding the Simms it is a very tight (for lack of a better word) sounding amp, almost a bit dry and therefore a bit special. This particular example is a Mark I first issue without the presence control, dated approximately December 1970 give or take a few months and thankfully brought back to like by a well known UK amp tech.