Firmware 2.1 sounds Different than 2.01

  • Hi
    i just updated my Kemper to 2.1 and recognized that 2.1 sounds different from 2.01
    I now that seems to be strange , but here its a fact.
    I used my 52 Fender Tele with the Ampfactory Rig Redplate Push 2 and in 2.1 it has noticeable less
    gain and less Presence.
    The "ringing" in the Tele Tone is much less when played the Bridge Pick Up

    This Rig is for Free and i would appreciate if someone can check this too and le t me know
    what could be the reason.

    This is a bad situation for me cause 2.01 sounds very good, but i want the features of 2,1

    Any solution on this??
    Thanks for help

  • Nope. No changes for me. I just did some overdubs last night on a track I've been working on since before the update and the tone is indistinguishable. Looks like every firmware we're going to have people claiming it despite Kemper's stance that the amp modeling will not chance from the initial release. Don't ask others to confirm it. If you can't prove it by posting reamped samples eliminating player vaiation with notable differences in tone and/or response, then chalk it up to it being in your head.

  • Digbob,

    I suggest to read Once more carefully through the release notes. I missed this and thought the same until I realized, that the improved pedal settings had an small but noticeable effect on some active wahs in the FX chain. When I turned the wahs off, both firmwares sounded identical, confirmed through SPDIF reamping.
    Maybe some of the improvements had the "less gain" result, you observed, and can easily be fixed through small adjustments.


  • Nope. No changes for me. I just did some overdubs last night on a track I've been working on since before the update and the tone is indistinguishable. Looks like every firmware we're going to have people claiming it despite Kemper's stance that the amp modeling will not chance from the initial release. Don't ask others to confirm it. If you can't prove it by posting reamped samples eliminating player vaiation with notable differences in tone and/or response, then chalk it up to it being in your head.

    Not everybody has the necessary equipment to reamp and everybody is free to ask for the opinion of others.

    Back to the topic, I've been reamping before and after the update and everything is fine here.

  • Not everybody has the necessary equipment to reamp and everybody is free to ask for the opinion of others.

    Back to the topic, I've been reamping before and after the update and everything is fine here.

    If one can not reamp or even record before and after settings, then they have absolutely zero reference point to claim there is a change as they are unable to perform even the most basic A/B comparison. It's easy to trick ourselves into thinking we hear things, I know it's happened to me many times...

  • Digbob,

    I suggest to read Once more carefully through the release notes. I missed this and thought the same until I realized, that the improved pedal settings had an small but noticeable effect on some active wahs in the FX chain. When I turned the wahs off, both firmwares sounded identical, confirmed through SPDIF reamping.
    Maybe some of the improvements had the "less gain" result, you observed, and can easily be fixed through small adjustments.


    There is no different curve on the Wah pedal in 2.1.
    We have actually improved the curve for the volume pedal in 2.01.

    No changes in gain.