Q: Amp Factory Fender toolkit and Lazy J?

  • Has anyone got both, I just wondered how they compared? I've listened to both sound clips and they both sound great as you'd expect so that hasn't helped..

  • I have both. and I think they are complementary
    LazyJ is very tweed style, with typical wonderful crunch.
    I think it is especially suited to single coil.
    With the Fender kit, always great with the single, instead you can find excellent solutions even with the HB.
    Both excellent!

  • I'm about to go for one of these too and can't quite make my mind up.
    I play blues with mostly single coil but use hummies too. No hi gain here, just a little bite and crunch.
    I get the feeling from the soundclips that the Fender Toolkit might be just a little too clean
    Any other input would be appreciated.

  • I primarily play a Tele with single coils. The Pro and Super found in the toolkit are outstanding. The Lazyj 40 and 80 are both really good too, I was really surprised by these. I don't think you can make a mistake here. Ideally get both but if I had to choose knowing what I know now, i'd go with the Toolkit.

    As far as gain, I put a tube screamer in front of the Kemper and dialed up a sound I liked on the Pro. Then dropped the tube screamer model in one of the stomp slots and got it to sound really close. Then a few profiles later one of the higher gain profiles sounded great as well. So I felt like there was plenty there if needed. This is all subjective of course, but I didn't feel like the profiles or the tools were lacking to get there. ymmv.

  • Well, it's all a matter of taste, the guitars you use and your playing-style. My favourites for clean sounds are "'57 Fender Deluxe", "Elmwood Modena" and "Diezel VH-4" from Armin, "Bassman 59" from TAF, the "famous" Morgan 20 from RE (I reduced the gain for a cleaner profile) and my own profiles (Dr. Z Maz Sen., THD Univalve, Fender Blues Junior, Boogie MK2).

    I'm not so happy with the LazyJ-Bundle (overall I miss the Fender "sparkle"), but like I said, this could be different with other guitars ect. My main guitars are Fenders from the sixties ('66 strat and tele, everything original except new frets).

    first name: Guenter / family name: Haas / http://guenterhaas.weebly.com/