spdif clicks and crackles again

  • I know this has been adressed before, but I've still got issues when using s/pdif.
    Audible clicks all over the place.
    I'm using a focusrite 6i6 which is synced via s/pdif to the Kemper (which is therefore "master").
    I thought the new update 2.1 had finally fixed this, because when I started to play today, everything appeared to be "click free". However there seems to be something cumulative about it, since it just kept getting worse and worse. I was actually wondering whether it might have to do with the computer itself although my CPU use is not high and I'm not running multiple audio software.
    Anybody else in the cracklin' zone? It would be great if it could be fixed. The main reason I got a new soundcard was for s/pdif, but right now it's not really useable...

  • As with any audio problem, you need to check your entire signal chain to eliminate each part. Unless you've tried different cables (including guitar leads and usb cable), a different audio interface and a different digital source, you can't be sure what's causing the problem.

    I'd try swapping out all the cables one at a time first then cleaning all contacts with switch cleaner and a microfibre cloth. If it's still there, can you borrow a different audio interface from a friend or local dealer? Do you have an alternative digital source (other than the kpa) you can try?

    One of these changes will eliminate the problem. Let's hope it's not the kpa!

  • But Drwiddly was correct about that you should first make sure the crackling isn't caused by your audio cables. You are only getting crackling when recording through s/pdif right? Not with the analog outs or normal playback on the computer?

    Just to make sure, you have the bit depth and sample rate set the same on the kpa, the focusrite and your daw? Have you tried increasing your buffer size on the focusrite?


    Buffer Size

    Buffers are used to help keep audio hardware and software running smoothly by processing audio in groups of samples rather than one sample at a time. Due to variations between computer hardware and software, it is impossible to recommend a single optimum setting for all systems. It may be necessary to experiment with various settings until you find the best buffer size for your system. The goal of setting a buffer size is to reduce it as much as possible without hearing any clicks, pops, or other glitches. If the buffer size is too small, the computer will not be able to make all the required audio calculations in time, and you will hear pops, clicks, and stuttering in your audio streams. On the other hand, if the buffer size is set too high, your computer will process audio without incident, but your software will feel sluggish and unresponsive.

    To find your system’s optimum buffer size setting, begin with a high setting and gradually reduce the size until you begin to hear clicks, pops, or other audible glitches in your audio. Then, raise the buffer size setting until these glitches disappear. You may need to stop playing audio any time you change this setting, and certain applications will require you to close the program before making changes, or relaunch the program before the new buffer size settings become active.



  • Ok, so, for those of you using Focusrite Hardware & Mixcontrol, I think I found out what was going on here: It took a while, but after trying out different things to no result, I noticed that the crackling issues normally began after switching on my DAW program. Then I realized that for some reason the clock of the device would go back to "internal" (in stead of "s/pdif") on its own. Strangely, this was not always shown in the display...
    Anyway, the solution after that turned out to be quite simple: Turn off the KPA, turn Soundcard clock to "internal" and then to "s/pdif" and make sure "no lock" is displayed (remember, KPA is still off). Turn KPA on again and make sure soundcard locks. After that, your system should be stable again ;)
