Kemper power amp. my issue or is it just mine.

  • When i bought the Kemper Power amp at the same time i bought i Orange Jim Root #4 and a couple of Orange Cabinet's the Jim Root Cab and the open back 2 x 12 loaded with Celestion v 30's . I figured the Orange amp would give me a little dirt and might soon gather dust but having a back up would be good. For a few weeks i had to wait on the cabinets to arrive i played the kemper though the headphones. Felt so good to be back on electric after 8 yrs of acoustic. whoa man .

    So the Kemper though the cabinet sounds i wont say squeezed its not but its not dynamic like the Orange when i have played it the last few weeks.
    The lows aren't that low the highs are not that high i can get some really nice cleans from a couple of profiles but gain be damned. I have moniter cab turned off on the Kemper. No matter the profile the cab light lights up and when i make sure the cab is turned off the sound doesn't alter. i feel assured it is off. I can fiddle with the noise gate tone controls and volume but it still doesn't sound FULL if you know what i mean. Has anyone over come this. I want the amp profiles to sound like real amps is this just a power head issue.

    Please Help. or tell me its not just me. I won't lie i need training wheels for life. I should have kept it simple and left the technology to the scientist's . ty

  • Hello and welcome! When you turn off the cab for Monitor Out (via output section) the cab light is still on because the cabsim is still active on the Main Outs. Why it doesn't sound full....well, I don't know. Maybe something is locked. Did you check that? Did you check the Monitor Output EQ?

    I could have farted and it would have sounded good! (Brian Johnson)

  • Welcome!

    I'm using my KPA rack with a Matrix power amp into two 2x12 cabs and it sounds huge. I've not used a powered KPA but yours shouldn't sound like you described. There's a setting 'wrong' somewhere!

    How does the preamp to poweramp routing work in the powered version? I note you have cabs off in monitor out but are you sure that the monitor out is feeding the poweramp rather than the main outs?

  • I'm new to this stuff just got a Kemper power head. I'm running it into a 2x12 marshall cab. When I turn the cabs off and on it makes a huge difference in the tone. When the cab button is on it sounds very bassy and bad. Are you saying it sounds the same with the cabs on or off? It should make a big difference.I'm using the speaker output on the back(the red one marked 8-16 ohms) are you using another output?

  • Yes i am using the 8 - 16 ohm out to drive a cabinet . Running it straight in to a 2x 12 cabinet by Orange with v 30s. The cabinet is in perfect working order and sounds fantastic hooked up to my Orange amp. The cab has a 16 ohm input i am using.

    Rather than the Kemper sounding like the amp it profiled which it does but it sounds like the Kemper every time.
    Instead of it taking on the sound of the profile it seems to be taking on the sound of the profile with the in the Kemper box feel.
    The dynamic range seems limited and i am sure if any of the profiles were compared to the real thing the Kemper would be identified everytime.

    thank you for any input