• I'm sure this has been discussed and requested before but I'd love to see a Boss HM-2 in the Kemper. I know it's a bit of a niche request but I know a few people who rely on this pedal for the core of their tone.

    I have tried profiling it as part of a chain but the Kemper doesn't seem to be able to accurately recreate it. For some reason using the physical pedal with the Kemper doesn't really get the same results as pushing it into a valve amp either.

  • I'm pretty sure you will be able to capture the pedal but at ONE SETTING with ONE AMP. Listen carefully to the tone being pumped out of the cab, because sometimes we don't hear the shriller elements of a pedal when it's at your feet. Put your head up against that sucker. When you mike it, position it close to where you heard the best tone. Choice of mike to profile will also make a difference, but I always think you can't go wrong with an SM-57 for a miked cab sound. Persevere and share your results with us!

  • Thanks nightlight, I have actually previously tried using just one amp on a single setting, the chain was HM-2 > JCM-800 > V30 Cab > SM57. The resulting profile didn't sound bad particularly, it was just missing that half-cocked wah sort of tone and general nastiness, it ended up sounding more like a JCM boosted with a regular overdrive.