Constant "beeep" from cabinet?

  • Hi I don´t know if this is the right forum, because my isn´t so much the kemper. The problem is more related to the cabinet.

    But maybe someone here has had the same problem so here goes . . .

    I was powering my cabinet, which is an ENGL pro 2x12, with the ISP Stealth and the sound was great. but when I wasn´t playing there was at constant "beeep" like if you have tinitus ( and I don´t) ;) .. So i returned the ISP ´cause I thought the it was broke.

    While I am on the lookaout for another poweramp I have borrowed a LD Systems PA1000 poweramp. And the beeping sound was still there so my conclusion is that there must be something wrong with the cabinet??

    Is there anyone who has experienced this when connecting a poweramp to cabinet. The cabinet is 8 ohm in mono andi I ran both the ISP and the LD Systems bridged 8 ohm into cabinet.