Option to Profiling just the preamp with cab sim off.

  • I like to profile just the preamp but the cab sim get on done profiling.Im thinking it would be bether and faster just Profiling the preamp with cab sim off, it sound more direct without cab sim playing thrue a real amp with cab. But then its to bright,this is confusing. Would like to have a option to Profiling just the preamp with cab sim off.

    Edited 2 times, last by strengdal (August 28, 2013 at 1:08 AM).

  • Its many nice preamp out there, like the Triaxis. I whish we have an option to chose what kind of amp we gona profile. amp with cab, amp without cab, ore just the preamp.
    I been experimenting with profiling for a while and you know the cab sim is always on after profiling.Dont understand way I have to profile a cab sim when Im just profiling a preamp? It sound close to the original with the cab sim on but it sound more direct and faster with the cab sim off but to bright. I think it could be some improvements here.

    Edited once, last by strengdal (September 3, 2013 at 4:17 AM).

  • Here's how I view Preamp profiles.

    The cabinet part of a preamp profile is not a Cab! it is a second part of the preamp profile and must be left on to make the profile complete.

    If you turn the Cab off on a preamp profile you don't have a complete preamp profile.

  • You cannot plug your amp direct back into the kemper or you will kill it. It must be plugged into a speaker or a dummy load.
    What some have been doing, is using the send output of the amp effects loop. This way you can profile the preamp only, but still you'll miss the power amp part which is an important component of the final amp sound.

  • You cannot plug your amp direct back into the kemper or you will kill it. It must be plugged into a speaker or a dummy load.
    What some have been doing, is using the send output of the amp effects loop. This way you can profile the preamp only, but still you'll miss the power amp part which is an important component of the final amp sound.

    Which is why one should rather use a DI which can pass the speaker signal when doing a complete profile sans cab sim.

    Strengdal, there is no added "cab sim" to the profile. The KPA has no clue what the profiling chain looks like, it just makes a profile of the whole encillada. When you turn off "cabinet" you will alter your original profile. You're then telling the KPA that there was indeed a cab present when profiling, and "can you please do an approximate calculation of what it'd sound like without the cabinet?" Since there was no cabinet present in your case, you should NOT tell it to try removing an imaginary cabinet 8)

  • Its just strange that it make a profile of the whole thing, when i just want to have a profile of the preamp. It seems like the whole eq profiling is in the cab sim. In profiler mode I compered the reference and Kemper profile before i stored it with cab sim off. sounds like two different amps :( with cab on they sound more alike. My point is that using profiles with cab sim off is not sounding like the original. The same happend if I make a profile of the whole thing with mic and turn the cab sim off, then play kemper true the same amp in effect loop sounds not the same,its to bright. Turn the cab sim on, its to dark.But for studio use with cab sim on it sounds realy good. I just want it to be as good it can get, can someone make me eat my words? :)

    Edited 2 times, last by strengdal (September 3, 2013 at 4:14 AM).

  • You can profile direct then add a cab into the Kemper, it's very close than profile with a cab.


    1 profile Engl E620 + Guitar Rig Cab
    2 same profile i swapped the cab into the Kemper
    3 direct profile Engl E620, i then added the cab into the Kemper (same cab of course than previous one)

    2 and 3 are very close.

    You can download the flac it sounds much better.

    Edited once, last by mba (September 3, 2013 at 11:25 AM).

  • I would guess it would be very unlikely.

    I assume it would take changing the Algorithm and that is something they have stated is unlikely to change.

    I'm just guessing here. Anything is possible :D

    Mr CK has indicated that a process for blending a DI profile and normal profile is in the pipeline. This would hopefully make it easier to just switch off the cab sim and hook up the Kemper to a cabinet.