(New FW 2.01) Volume drop when turning off reverb

  • Hello everybody!
    (I posted the following yesterday as a replay to a very old thread, where user luntho described the same issue in January 2012. I guess, I may not get very much attention for this vintage thread, as long as I don't mention the terms librarian or editor, so I hope it's ok to open a new one.)

    I just started preparing some recently purchased (TAF) Rigs for rehearsals, when I realized some (at least for me) new strange behaviour of my Kemper: Everytime I turn off the reverb, the overall volume drops for about 3.5 seconds, then gets louder again. Doesn't matter if I push the button on the front or use a (non-midi) footswitch. Checked most of my other actual live-rigs - they seem to all behave this way.
    Any ideas?
    (I'm on the latest official firmware (2.01), using my Pod HD 500 to control the Kemper.)

  • yepp, I had the same experience, however I haven't noticed it for some time now. It didn't happen in all rigs, it may have been solved in one of the firmware upgrades or it may be that I haven't played any of those rigs in a while. I think I found a way around it by saving the rig after turning the reverb off. you could contact support and let them have a look att one of those rigs.

  • Hello Luntho!
    Thank you for your reply!
    Don Peterson chimed in in your original thread, and I just wrote down what I found out about this, and how I managed to work around.
    I'm not sure if this still is of interest for you, as it seems to be solved for you, but you may have a look, if just out of curiosity.