Suddenly in tuner mode?????

  • To the others: does your problem look the same as Raouls?

    To Raoul:
    Did the problem occur even before firmware 2.0?
    Is it very reproducable?
    Set the expression pedals (in System) to off, you don't use them anyway?
    Does the problem still occure then?

  • To the others: does your problem look the same as Raouls?

    To Raoul:
    Did the problem occur even before firmware 2.0?
    Is it very reproducable?
    Set the expression pedals (in System) to off, you don't use them anyway?
    Does the problem still occure then?

    To the others: does your problem look the same as Raouls?

    To Raoul:
    Did the problem occur even before firmware 2.0?
    Is it very reproducable?
    Set the expression pedals (in System) to off, you don't use them anyway?
    Does the problem still occure then?

    CK the only problem that happened that was like this before 2.0 was I'd scroll through profiles and sound would go off and I'd have to reboot to get the sound back.

    If I scroll through profiles fast in browse mode this is when it seems to happen

    Ill try setting the expression pedals to off in settings as I only use my pedal FCB1010 live, in the studio I don't connect the FCB. Ill try this and see if the problem still happens :thumbup:

  • Never happened before firmware 2.0. It only seems to have happened when I have an MP3 player plugged in via Return and Alternative inputs. But I am not sure that was what caused it. Both times it happened to me I was scrolling quickly with the rigs buttons in perform mode.

  • To the others: does your problem look the same as Raouls?

    To Raoul:
    Did the problem occur even before firmware 2.0?
    Is it very reproducable?
    Set the expression pedals (in System) to off, you don't use them anyway?
    Does the problem still occure then?

    Hi Christoph,

    I had the same while testing the performance mode after having installed v 2.0 (happened never before). At this time no pedals and no midi pedals where connected.
    Fortunatly now I know about soft button 4 ... :D

  • same here in browser mode : it happened tonight for the first time, after having played a lot with profiles (browse, save, browse cabs, save again, fine tune volumes, save, delete, set or unset to favourites,...and so on...) then while browsing with Rig buttons (the right one) : tuner mode !

    no exp pedal, no foot controler, just buttons...Used the soft button 4 to come back to profiles...

    FW is 2.0.1, still the beta one...

  • Happened to me too.

    Soundcheck: everything was fine.. as we had to play 20 minutes later I left the KPA on and switched to a clean rig... came back to play the set, Tuner on Display, no volume - unfortunately I didn't know that soft button 4 thing so I had to reboot the machine... there was nothing connected to the KPA (except my guitar, my inear and the mains connector - no pedal, no midi controller).

    MJT Strats / PRS Guitars / Many DIY Guitars -- Kemper Profiler Rack / Kemper Remote / InEar

  • Thanks for your replies!
    It is interesting and crucial to know, if the silence still occurs, when you set the expression pedals to 'off', like I asked Raoul.
    At least set no pedal to "Volume"

    Thanks for your replies!
    It is interesting and crucial to know, if the silence still occurs, when you set the expression pedals to 'off', like I asked Raoul.
    At least set no pedal to "Volume"

    CK I'm on the case of this as of tomorrow. Ill set all pedals to Off and give this a good work out and let you know my findings :thumbup:

  • This problem never happened to me until I loaded firmware 2.0.1

    When browsing it switches to tuner mode, soft button 4 turns the sound back ON.
    Also, if a Profile had a WAH in the Stomps then the WAH is now activated and ON.
    I have no Expression pedals or Midi pedal connected.

    Went into System settings, turned both Pedals to more problems, everything fixed.

  • This problem never happened to me until I loaded firmware 2.0.1

    When browsing it switches to tuner mode, soft button 4 turns the sound back ON.
    Also, if a Profile had a WAH in the Stomps then the WAH is now activated and ON.
    I have no Expression pedals or Midi pedal connected.

    Went into System settings, turned both Pedals to more problems, everything fixed.

    CK I turned off all pedals in system settings like guitartone and haven't had the issue yet

  • Hmm, hit this again tonight but in a way I haven't seen before. Had a FCB1010/U4K connected, pedals off in system menu. Was in performance mode going through various performances and slots within each. I went to a patch with only 4 slots filled and accidentally tapped button 5 (empty slot) and it dropped into tuner mode. Had to do a double take to see if my volume pedal had moved (it had not, full volume). I moved the volume pedal and it jumped out of tuner mode. Confirmed both pedals were off in the system menu after. Tried to reproduce but it didn't happen again.

  • Last night at my gig. The KPA just went silent on me in the middle of a song I changed to my rhythm sound and to my surprise it was completely silent. The KPA had not gone into tuner mode but there was still no sound. I had to reboot KPA by the time it came back on we had finished the song :( A little bit annoying as we are only a 3 piece

  • Last night at my gig. The KPA just went silent on me in the middle of a song I changed to my rhythm sound and to my surprise it was completely silent. The KPA had not gone into tuner mode but there was still no sound. I had to reboot KPA by the time it came back on we had finished the song :( A little bit annoying as we are only a 3 piece

    wow............that is too bad, Raoul............i can't imagine happening to me, since i'm a one man band....... 8|

    "...why being satisfied with an amp, as great as it can be, while you can have them all?" michael mellner

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