Suddenly in tuner mode?????

  • It's funny. I have never had an issue with being in tuner mode suddenly. Now, that I have updated to the 2.1 beta - it happened to me for the first time. What saved me was the soft button (I don't remember what it said, but it was something like reset volume to normal or something like that). No footcontroller connected (it's still in the boot of my car).

    Edited once, last by joerch (September 7, 2013 at 10:22 AM).

  • I'm not sure if this was ever solved but it happened to me today while simply browsing presets. I have tuner checked off and both pedals off. There are no pedals connected whatsoever. I searched and dabbled for 10 minutes and finally checking "ON" WahPedal to Vol. in the Systems menu made the sound come back. Why? I'm not even using any pedals. It must have been something in the patch I had ran across? I am running If I uncheck Wah Pedal to Vol. there is no sound. FYI, this is listening via headphones on the headphone out, I haven't checked it with the master out.

    Edited once, last by djazz (January 4, 2014 at 3:04 PM).