mat2806 Beginner

  • Member since May 2, 2016
  • Last Activity: August 30, 2018 at 2:24 PM
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Hey, sorry for the late reply, I have not logged in for a while. I will have to double check but I used that profile specifically for playing Living on a prayer by Bon Jovi in my function band. The "talk Box" effect is mapped to one of my expression pedals to give the "wah oh wah" sound like the record. To be honest I think it works really well.

However, I am not so experienced in changing amps in the way you suggested. However, you might want to try adding a distortion effect into one of the I - IV effects banks to beef it up ect. Hope that help?!

Hey bro, so I tried that profile with the I tried the RE Talk box pre set. Whatever amp they used will not work for the hard rock stuff I play so I tried to save the Vox part and for what ever reason when I inserted it into my hard rock profile it sounded like the watered down profile the Vox effect was designed with. Ideas? Do you use it triggered with your wah?