grego7 Student

  • Member since November 12, 2014
  • Last Activity: August 25, 2024 at 4:50 PM
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Saw the picture of your rig. Very nice. I have just purchased a Kemper, and I am considering the Fryette Power Station and a traditional guitar cab. How do you like yours? What cab are you running it through? Have you tried any of the FRFR solutions, and if so, how do they compare? I'm interested in your thoughts!

Hi Strider. I have the Fryette going into an Avatar diagonal 2x12 cab with a C Rex and Hellatone wired at 4 ohms. Sounds great to me. I have a CLR as well and something was wrong with the HF driver when I got it (bought it off of It just got repaired and I should have it later this week to compare. All I know is that CLR sounded pretty lame when I got it. Fingers crossed that it's back to original spec.

Good luck with the CLR.

CLR came back yesterday. Holy smokes, now that's more like it. The Fryette and 2x12 still sounds a little "bigger" but not by THAT much. Either way is a great option

Glad it sounds so good! I actually just got my Kemper back from a servicing, so I still haven't taken the plunge with a speaker solution. Maybe I'll haul my unit to GC and try a few things....