jm0420 Beginner

  • Member since August 30, 2014
  • Last Activity: May 24, 2022 at 11:44 PM
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Hello everyone! So I recently picked up another Kemper and I’m having an issue with what sounds like clipping on my rendered tracks in reaper. I do not hear it during playback. I’ve tried raising buffer and also shutting off all plugins and it’s still there. If I remember correctly Im supposed to track with my Apollo set to spdif then switch back to internal for mixing/rendering? Nothing shows clipping in either the Kemper or the Apollo. Thanks for any help !!

Im wondering if its possible to use 2 mics to profile using my interface (motu 828x).I dont have a mixer and I want to use the onboard mixing software hopefully. Also, should I be using an instrument cable from the direct send? Thank u for any help in advane