Posts by DeanJam

    I'm keeping my Kemper along with the Quad Cortex after lots of deliberation. I have lots of guitars, Amps and effects(also multiple variations of the same effects). Why not have two Digital Amps/devices? I've always replaced my existing modeller but this time I think the sound and feel will be different but maybe not necessarily better.

    I love the live setup through the Kemper Kabinet/Kone, which I'd normally using a few times a month. I'd have the QC as my home playing and recording device(USB) - silent and studio monitors. This means that I don't have to setup my toaster, remote and interface - my kids are destroying my equipment so I pack everything away.

    This may be a luxurious setup for a home player but I'm thinking "why not' I still have a £1500 Strat in the loft which is lonely. Main point - I think it may be OK for me to own multiple digital devices. I'm also happy to review this idea once I've experienced the QC.

    V8guitar  GearJocke

    I will be more than happy to post my thoughts but be warned I'm just a hobbyist with a taste for musical equipment that exceeds my income:)

    I have a had a good 6 weeks with the Helix and I've had a Kemper for a while and play it pretty much every night. Tonally, I can generate my own opinion so I should be of some use.

    I love my Kab/Kone setup and now I'm thinking what jamming/live setup to go with if the QC is great. I'd have to buy a powered Cab or carry separate power amp. I don't want the headache but at the same time, I do. The features that interest me most are Modelling/captures, pedal captures, multiple instruments and USB audio.

    I wish I could keep the Kemper and QC!

    Being cynical is certainly necessary when purchasing. But at the same time you have a bias, as you have already decided you'd rather have a Helix or Kemper over a unit you've never heard or played.

    I'll receive my pre-order whilst I keep my brilliant Kemper, if it sounds/feels as good or better then happy days. If it sounds even slightly worse than a Kemper its going back - even if the UI and functionality is ace.

    I’m pretty open about this...I have a preorder and as it’s fully refundable I’m pretty excited to be receiving what seems like a cool product. If it’s as good as they claim I’m more than happy to purchase. I’m sure the release will be delayed again and the customer support is questionable to say the least. I also think it must be incredibly difficult to develop and release a new product during these times, I’m sure they have been impacted.

    Some can get tribal about their selected technology/ equipment but I’m happy for a new competitor in the market.

    My serious thoughts are more to how I would have to adapt my setup. I haven’t seen any mentions about losing access to a Kemper Kab/Kone, if one did a full switch over. Many have already mentioned the ‘feel’ which makes listening to YouTube videos essentially pointless - hence the preorder.

    I’ll be more than happy if it matches a Kemper sonically and has all of the additional functionality- audio interface, touchscreen etc.

    I do think that Kemper has reached near the ceiling of Profiling/modelling. There seems to be the assumption that as this is all digital technology it will evolve infinitely. The functions will as would technology to capture more accurately, the GUI and general interface - but the exported guitar/bass sound? If it sounds amazing now it will do in ten years, new modellers may just produce different sounds. I think the biggest gain is in the ability to produce the digital sound in a live setting.

    I thought about deleting the last paragraph as I’m well out of depth:)

    Unusual part of my setup:

    My unit is just used for recording (never leaves) so I also have one set of the outputs from the interface goes to the alternate input and return input on the Kemper. When recording I can have tons of plugins running in my DAW at max buffer size, and no issues with latency because it's all monitored on the Kemper, you can hear the DAW playback and your live guitar. (which can be panned in the rig menu).

    Very much appreciated! This is exactly what I’m going to do. Solves all my problems in one. I asked this question on the forum - possibly in the wrong manner - and was informed I needed to use the interface headphones. I’ll try and work out my outputs as I have a camplifier amp I’d like connected at the same time.

    I’m thinking... mains l/r to interface - monitor to Kab and interface 2x outputs to 2x inputs on Kemper.

    Potential revisit of S/PDIF vs analogue here:) Quick thoughts on interfaces...

    It’s been pretty tricky, for me- depending on budget - to find a suitable interface with S/PDIF inputs. I’m currently on that mission.

    The Focusrite 8i6 and Audio 6 interface have them and cost between £175-£200 but I’m not sure about the headphone output quality. Other interfaces above this price point have optical inputs which can accept S/PDIF via a converter. This option doesn’t appeal to me. I struggled to find something that suited my needs - I also wanted to use the interface with my iPad Pro at times.

    Other interfaces with S/PDIF are complete overload for me. I think I’m gonna go with a Motu M4(£200 with amazing reviews/feedback)and forget the SPDIF.

    I just arranged a quick demo of 2 random profiles I really dug :

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    • Concertorama Full for the stoner fuzzy part ( gain @ MAX !! ) no need for a 250€ boutique fuzz
    • 75 Twin CH.2 Clean+ tweak on the gain only for the funky parts , what a great amp is that Carlsbro'

    This demo has almost no post EQ , it's pretty raw , no post FX & all FX KPA ( I used a double wah on slots C & D by mistake but kept it as it was so cool sounding ).

    I had so much fun playing this profiles , thx again Oraakkeli !

    I’ll be straight on them later. Really enjoyed that tune. I find Stoner/desert sounds tricky on the KPA so much appreciated.

    beware ,, the rabbit hole,,,dont spend more time looking,, then playin,,,,,, jus sayin,,

    Very true Sir! One of the many things the Kemper has given me is focus. I know it’s not the case for many but I no longer look at amps or pedals etc. At one point I had the big 3 Strymon, a Morningstar MC6 and a Helix Stomp and more. The amount of software and tangents(midi for one) that all generated took way too much time.

    Now the focus is on playing, profile experimenting and in my case, learning to capture audio. All more enjoyable than the above.

    However, I do type this from deep inside a huge rabbit hole.?

    V8guitar we have the same medical conditions; Rig Paralysis and Rig Blindness.?

    I’ve just bought M Britts 2020 pack despite not having tried many rigs in my library. They sound amazing!

    For a home bod like me, playing all these amps is part of the enjoyment. I’m in no music scene to organically come across new gear etc.

    After going through the great stuff on the RigExchange you should efinitely review all the freebie stuff coming from the commercial profilers to understand their style and see what they have. If you find profilers that suit you style look through their amps and think what you (really, really) need. To be honest I have way more good stuff than I can ever use for my projects or bands etc. - less is more some say. Then it is easier to decide on a sound. And I have to admit that I have few go to profiles which always make me happy and keep me coming back. It's just a handful, say a dozen :)

    Finally: Checking a lot of amps which I never would grab physically is an incredible inspiring process which also leads me to new musical spheres so I find myself writing other styles of music based on beautiful guitar sounds...

    Free stuff is a great start and there’s lots of it. Tone Junkie has free packs as well as many other commercial profilers and they sometimes are profiles found in their paid packs. Besides my Fender and Marshall profiles most of my favourites are amps I’ve never heard of before I got the Kemper, that’s down to finding amps I liked on the rig exchange and then seeing what other versions were available commercially. There are some good discounts on at the minute too:)

    There are some really cool people on here that post their personal profiles and upload them to rig exchange.

    Try and formulate a sensible methodology for how you store your profiles and make use of the folders both in rig manager and on your computer. I’ve just started from scratch and had to do some serious admin:)

    Also, have a tinker with profiles you like, I’ve just really started with this as initially I only adjusted the amp. Tone Junkie has a very cool tutorial.

    ps. I’m an unashamed profile hoarder:)

    You mean it restarts with the righ timing?
    Without quantisation theresn't much you can do apart from using your time sensitivity and feeling. The two critical times are, of course, when you press the switch for starting and stopping it.
    Also, experiment with the switch so that you perfectly feel at what point of his stroke it triggers the function.



    Do you think quantisation could be added via programming? If they introduced quantisation that’d be perfect. I wasn’t sure whether it would require different hardware etc.