Posts by masruiz

    Rig Manager v3.5.27

    Windows 11 64-bit

    Kemper is in the basement studio. Computer is in main floor office. Connecting the Kemper to a Poe switch allows me to use Rig Manager on Android via wifi but does not allow Win computer to connect to Kemper on same network. :( Poe switch is connected to main router. Sorry if this has been already addressed but I've gone back 6 pages of threads to find a similar issue but most are related to Mac devices or 3rd party work around. Is this a configuration issue with the router? Is this an issue with Kempers on switches? :?::?:

    Maybe this has been requested before, but it would be sooo convenient if we had the ability to scroll with the "Type" dial while arranging performances. I'm probably one of the few users that has a performance for each song but it can be a pain when setting up the setlist for 50+ songs. I understand that most kemper users use only a handful of performances for their live shows, I'm not one of them. :P Just a suggestion.

    This wasn't a problem until they made Win64 bit systems a requirement for Rig manager. 32 bit systems like mine can no longer use Rig Manager. At least adding this feature would make it easier for stand alone users who don't, or can't, use Rig Manager

    Weird situation happened over the last few weeks. I was gigging last weekend and I suddenly lost all my volume while switching rigs in performance mode. Happened once each night where only a reboot would bring it back to normal. The following Mon I realized that my OS had reverted back to OS 8.15 where this was a known issue. So I did a restore back to version 9.05 and I figured things were rosy again. I've no idea how that happened as I'd been gigging weeks prior with no issue.

    So now that I'm back to OS 9.05, my kemper will not communicate with rig manager. I'm running v3.2.76 on a Win 32bit operating system. I dont understand what changed. So I reverted back to OS 8.15. just to see if it re-establishes comms with rig manager and it did. So I put OS 9.0.5 back in and again theres no communication with Rig Manager. Is this a 32bit vs 64 bit issue with windows? It worked before this past weekend, I don't get it. Is there another version of Rig manager for Win 32 bit that I need to install? The software update feature says that I'm up to date.

    My problem occurred while using the OSv8.7.15 beta. It happened a couple times at home and twice during a show in the same set, all in performance mode. Soon after creating a support ticket, the v8.7.15 non-beta release came out and I immediately installed that. After hours at home and a couple gigs, I haven't been able to recreate the problem since. Dunno, but I always wondered if the PoE cable was suspect in creating some kind of glitch if stepped on or connection was interrupted. I'm still using v8.7.15 btw

    I was using the monitor output connected to an external power amp and 212 cabinet. Guitar was connected to the front input jack. I typically disable the rear input jack. I was in performance mode and switching between slots within the same performance when it happened. If i remember right, i had copied and pasted a new rig in an empty slot and i was switching back and forth between slots for comparison with an already existing rig slot. I want to say slots 1 and 4 but I'm not positive. The input LED was OFF. even after switching modes (tuner, browser, and back to performance). The tuner did not detect any signal.

    All the switching was done by remote.. i didn't try the tap button but I will if it happens again. Input only came back after cycling power

    I currently have a upport ticket open

    I'm preparing for a show today and my kemper just cut out. I was in performance mode and switching performances when it happened. I downloaded OS v8.7.15.42312B a few days ago in hopes of solving this problem since i previously had it happen twice during a show. It looks like it's going to happen again for tonight's show. Only cycling power restores my input signal. Damn. It was Rock solid until a few months ago. I can't have this be unreliable for upcoming shows

    i use the non powered rack unit with remote.

    Is this normal? The light seems to be on for every rig. I figured I locked something when I first started experimenting with the Kemper. Maybe this is unrelated but when I bring a rig into performance mode from browse mode there is a noticeable difference in sound quality. The performance mode rig seems to lack depth and sounds very thin. I have to make major adjustments to the rigs when playing live in performane mode. I've gone through my profiles in the rig manager trying to figure out if something is locked but I'm not finding anything. Pushing the lock button does not make the lock light turn off. Is this normal?