Posts by TimInD

    Hi, yes I've got a bank with Rigs 1, 2 and 3 working. When i copy Rig 3 (or any of those 3) and try to Paste into Rig 4 slot in RM (which is powered ON, comes up as Crunch by default), I get the "Performance not in preview" error message. The little headphones icon is on.

    However - when I click to activate a different bank in RM, then go back to the bank that was giving me trouble, NOW the Copy and Paste from Rig 3 to Rig 4 slot works fine. Not sure whats happening.

    Ok, it's a few mins later. I'm doing the same exact thing. I've set up bank 4, and I'm copying and pasting Rig 4 into Rig 5 slot in RM. I get the "Performance not in preview" error message.

    Now I double click a different bank. The different bank is now active. Now I double click back to the bank I've been working on and the Copy from Rig 4 to Rig 5 works fine. It's a repeatable issue.

    Hope this helps.

    Thanks cmbrowns... so you're saying that when you leave Gain Pot Ref. at 0, on a LP profile (you have something other than Kemper Generic selected as your Amp Model), your regular Gain will retain the morph settings, even after you go out of that Rig and then come back to it?

    For me that NEVER happens. Most of my Gain Pot Ref.s are at 0, yet the Morphed Gain control is lost after I exit from that Rig. The regular non-morphed Gain setting is retained as it should be. But not the morphed (higher in my case) gain setting.

    You're prob right that they may be working on that area.

    I believe this is a bug.

    I'm using Kemper Stage with OS Version and Morph is definitely not saving with Liquid Profiles. It saves with Amp Model: Kemper Generic - but not if I choose any of the LP profiles. I'm morphing the Generic Gain.

    I've tested this backwards and forwards. I've tried Burning it, and saving it, and everything possible. As soon as I leave the Rig, and go to another Rig, the Morph is lost. It works as long as I'm still on the Rig I set the Gain Morph on. But when I leave the rig, it loses that Morph data.

    Let me know if you need any more information.

    Thanks all. I'm getting it now.

    IS anyone else having trouble with the new Liquid Profiles not remembering the MORPH settings? I keep setting the morphed values (I raise the gain to act as a lead channel) and I test it, and the rig morphs back and forth properly... and I save the rig. Then after I go to some other rigs and come back, the morph settings are forgotten.

    Anyone else?

    Hmm.. thanks JohnnyBee. That seems weird. I am wondering if we have to wait until someone provides a good Liquid Profile of the amp we want, within Rig Exchange. Perhaps that's how it will work.

    Can someone from Kemper comment please? Thanks!

    Great question OP... can anyone answer this: I want to use a Blues Junior as a liquid profile ... but in the Amplifier screen (after updating to 10.0 w Liquid Profiles), in the Amp Model choices screen, there is no Blues Junior.. there are some Fenders, Marshalls and Vox choices, but there are only about 15 choices. Where did these 15 choices come from? Did Kemper pre-liquify those and include them for us? I'm struggling to figure out how to get a Blues Junior (or a Bassman, Peavy Classic etc) to show up in Amp Models choice screen.

    Anyone know how to get other amps to show up in that Amp Models choices list when using liquid profile? Thanks for any insight! :)