Posts by andersk08

    Hello. Currently rig exchange has 17000 profiles. When I find one I like I click add to profiler or add to local library. Then when I click back on rig exchange it loses its place. Meaning i now have to scroll down thousands of profiles to find where I was. Is there a different way? I have it sorted by date. Say I find a profile I like from 2019. I click add to profiler. Then when I click back on rig exchange the page is scrolled all the way to the top again. I’ve tried clicking and dragging and this did the same thing.

    Hello. Currently rig exchange has over 17000 profiles. When I find 1 that I like I click “add to profiler” or “add to local library”. After doing this it opens the file destination that I saved that profile to. Now when I click back on rig exchange the page is scrolled all the way back to the top. It would be better if rig exchange stayed in place where you were so after you add a profile to your kemper and you go back to rig exchange you are in the same spot on the list of profiles. Instead of having to scroll forever back down to where you were. That’s even if you can find the place you were. This also happens when you click and drag a profile into another folder.

    With all the chorus options I find myself down a rabbit hole but no end in site. I’m trying to achieve a double tracked guitar sound. Old school metal heads think Death Symbolic or The Sound Of Perseverance. Help? :love:

    Hello All,

    Hope everyone is keeping safe out there.

    Question, I am looking to create that dual guitar effect. (example; a la Death - Chuck Schuldiner)

    Anyone know which effect used and parameters used in the Kemper to accomplish that sound.


    I’ve been trying to accomplish this as well and gave up lol. I run a chorus effect with a very short delay. 30ms-40ms and it gives me that death symbolic feeling. With the right profile of course.

    Loving the Yamaha hs8 monitors so far with the kemper. I have the room control set at -2. Still pretty bass end heavy but will likely dial that out with the Studio EQ or the amp eq. I typically like to run the output eq flat with all zeros. Any insight or tips from the food here at the forum on dialing in Yamaha hs8 monitors?

    Well won't be the most detailed comparison but have spent the last few days with the Kones (2 into an open back Avatar 2 x 12). I absolutely love the tone that I have been hearing. Getting the use of out of them that I had in mind when purchased. I can leave a profile cab on taking advantage of a mic'd cab. Have had good luck with using IR's from my collection as well in various situations. They can pushed volume wise but they are easy for me to control getting a nice balance in my at home playing room (between volume and good tone). Very little profile tweaking is needed to get things right as well.

    One thing that escapes me is the imprint feature. For every profile that sounds good one on the imprints 3 or 4 will not sound good (meaning better with the included cab or IR's of my choice). For me that is not a big deal as there are no issue being happy with the way I am using the Kones as mentioned in the first paragraph. Thinking the first few days I had the Kones they were good but when I came back to them did not have them set properly in the output section ( I will jump from studio monitors, other cabs depending on mood - situation and may have forgot to enable the Kone button). Thinking the Kones will be my preferred playing method going forward.

    The FX-1200 sound a bit more neutral or flat to me and its seems I have to tweak the profile a bit more to get happier with what I am hearing. I often feel the sound is ok but not totally satisfied with the results. The speaker does seem to have the ability to get pushed with some good volume but again for me the Kones just seem to work real well with Profiler.

    thanks for your review buddy. I found the same thing with the imprints. 3-4 not so good profiles for every 1 good profile with imprints enabled. I’m happiest when running the Kones as “frfr”, which is the Kone enabled but with the cab sim turned off. “Monitor cab off “ selected. Then I usually run the “sweetening” around 5.0. I play high gain in D standard tuning for what it’s worth and the Kones appear to handle the low end well. I have 2 Kones installed in a custom closed back Mojotone 2x12. One thing I’ll note is the sound is nowhere near as good as it is through my Yamaha hs8 monitors but it is good nonetheless.

    Kone Off is FR mode but without any compensation for the frequency response of the Kone speaker itself.

    No speaker is totally flat so the Kone software applies an eq setting that compensates for this. This EQ is specifically tailored for the Kone speaker. If you want a flat response from the Kone or Kabinet you should use Kone On. If you are using a different speaker you should use Kone Off.

    However, as always, if it sounds good to you then it is good so use whichever one you prefer.

    Thank you so much packages were in town Friday but never moved from the local facility. FedEx is reliable in this area and ground delivers Saturday. Packages (one is the FX-1200) still sit :(:(:( and most likely will not be delivered until Tuesday.

    Oh well...plenty to keep busy with but was hoping for some kind of speaker shootout. More to come at some point :thumbup:.

    Hey Mookytc. How did this turn out? I’m also not to keen on my Kones and am looking to replace them. How did the FX-1200 hold up?

    Sorry if this has been asked and I’m sure it has. This thread has grown tremendously.
    Kone OFF and Monitor Cab Off Unselected = FR mode??
    Kone ON and Monitor Cab Off Unselected = Also FR mode?
    there’s definitely a different sound to both options. Just trying to figure out which one is intended to be FR mode. I know when I was running the toaster to my Yamaha HS8 I always had theMonitor Cab Off Unselected so I could enjoy the cab in the profile. Just don’t know what internal differences are created by selecting the Kone on / off feature. Thanks gang.

    Thanks Paults. I just wanted to make sure I was utilizing it correctly. I’ve tried the imprints and for the music I play and the profiles I use it sounds much better with Kone enabled and imprints turned off ( monitor cab enabled)

    Good evening Kemper family. I hope everyone is safe and healthy. I have a question regarding the Kemper in “FR” mode. The way I read the manual to have the Kone in FRFR mode you need to have the Kone “Activated” and the Sweetening knob all the way down? Turning the sweetening knob to the right adds top and bottom end so I understand with sweetening down it’s essentially FRFR. What would it be considered if the Kone was disabled? Say I’m running a full profile with amp and cab through the Kones but with Kone disabled? I understand it’s not FR until enable is clicked. Thanks everyone.

    I've uploaded some 5153 profiles from a 50 watt. I know there are already quite a few profiles of this series of amps on the exchange but I decided to go ahead and put some up anyway. I've got two clean and around 5-6 each of the three different channels. I used an old Marshall 8412 cab as well as a Marshall JCM 900-1960. I merged a few other cabs in as well for some different sounds. They sound good with my Sportscaster.

    [Blocked Image:]DSC07994 by crhfish, on Flickr

    I know this post is 3 years old but I’m looking for these profiles. Specifically because I want the 8412 cab on my profiler. What do I search on rig manager? And thank you.

    if you want doubled guitars playing the same thing then use dual delay with delay 1 set to 0ms and delay 2 around 30ms.

    if you are looking for harmony lead for iron maren, thin lizzy etc then you meed Chromatic Pitch shift.

    thanks buddy. I appreciate it. I’ll use the dual delay. Chromatic pitch shift is too much for me to try to figure out at the moment lol.

    I may be reading your post wrong so apologies if I am but, if you're disabling the cab section on the kemper then you aren't using FR mode on the kone as the kone still requires the cab section to be on. You need to select the kone, and have the monitor cab off unticked in the output setting for the FR setting. If you run the kemper with cab section turned off you're in effect just using a profile of an amp head running through the kone as if it were it's own speaker like a standard cab, as the kone is only FR when the DSP compensates the speaker to make it FR.

    sorry for the misunderstanding. I’m doing what you described. I have Kone enabled and I have monitor cab off which essentially makes it frfr mode. If I have monitor cab on then I would be using the imprints. I keep monitor cab off and adjust the sweetening level to get the sound I want. I’ve tried all the imprints and to me they just blanket a lot of the bite in the gain of the profiles I’m using.

    Played with a bunch of effects and can’t seem to achieve my goal. I’m looking for that double tracked guitar sound while playing. Tried chorus. Delay. Tone pitch etc. can anyone help? I assume delay but which one and at which parameters? I read the manual. Just couldn’t find what I’m looking for but I know it’s possible. Thanks everyone. Stay safe