Posts by LastHopeForWorld

    Just chiming in to say thank you very much for your continuous efforts my friend!

    These consistent updates are very welcomed and appreciated. I always love to browse through the updates finding new favorites along the way.

    New customers are very welcome :)

    While I'm an older customer I do recommend your pack to anyone looking for some heavier tones as I still think your pack is one of the few very best deals which should be a no-brainer to anyone <3

    Keep up the good work :thumbup:

    My #1 is definitely the Oxford, but then the Goodman and all Jensens can sound very good depending on the profile. Especially the Vintage Jen10" Imprints can archive some very interesting textures. On the celestion side I tend to prefer the Creamback.

    Anyways, I really hope they do add more accurate Imprints at some point! There are so many more interesting Speakers than the old classics from Celestion.

    These should work well with the Kone and the imprints too as there are 14 DIs included.

    I can confirm that! Thankfully Matt always includes well done DI profiles together with his regular miced up ones but I really can't decide whether to run his studio or DI profiles (with random cab locked) with the Kone / Kabinet. Both the FR and Imprint mode sound fantastic, just like two different flavors of the same thing but both massive sounding. If you got a Kone try it 8)

    Mattfig Damn, these Bassman profiles are by far the best ones I've encountered to this date. The range is amazing and I love the selection of vintage cabs with Oxford, JBL and Jensen speakers! I rarely see these types of speakers profiled well and you definitely nailed it Matt!

    To be honest I never took much notice of the old Bassman, but this pack got me to reconsider lol

    Also works great with the Kemper Kab - huge recommendation to everybody :thumbup:

    Having some issues with importing the Driftwood profiles. They are simply impossible to import as as the Rig Manager states, that they are damaged. The rest of the new profiles were imported with no issues at all.

    Any idea?

    No issues on my end. Just drag and drop the files into RM like usual. Maybe your download is corrupted or something. Just redownload it and try again. Also note that the two new Cab files need to be imported into a Presets folder, not Rig folder.

    If everything else fails you can still opt for the USB drive import to get these profiles up and running.

    Thanks again Petr for the update - the Driftwood sounds massive Strungout82

    Here's my take on this. Pure Cab has a very specific value in some use-cases. Overall you really don't want to have it on max, because the algorithm will bend the profile upside down and can introduce tons of unwanted artifacts which really don't sound nice.

    The general rule is: the better the recorded profile (mic placement) the lower the value of Pure Cab should be set (mostly even completely off that is). However, if you're just jamming out by yourself over monitor speakers it might help reducing some frequency spikes caused by the recorded cabinet which can sound better. For recording it should usually be turned off, though. Also I wouldn't worry about it if you use the Kemper Kab, because the whole point of it is to get that amp-in-a-room feeling, while also being able to use it as a monitor in full range mode.

    So after all it comes down to user preference. I have it on 0.5 because it doesn't interfere with the profile, but also can help reducing some unwanted frequency spikes when using my studio monitors. If you really like the effect it gives you I think 3 is a good value which I believe is also the stock setting from Kemper.

    Also what people tend to forget, is that they hear demos of various profile vendors & specific packs and want to get that exact sound, but also have their Pure Cab on 3 or higher, which totally changes the response and is mostly the reason the sound you get doesn't sound anywhere close to the demo. Turning off the option can help here as well.

    burger I just had the chance to try out both the 800 & Cali and I'm impressed! Even more so because through this I found your website and there is so much interesting content and great explainations on there - thank you!

    Just out of curiosity, we did you opt for making a studio profile with the Suhr RL instead of just making direct profiles of the amp, adding the IR afterwards? I don't think I've seen this approach used before. Anyways they turned out great!

    Also I'd be really intersted to hear the profiled version of your modded Marshall Origin if you ever happen to make some profiles of it. There are pretty much no Origin profiles around and I'd love to hear how it stacks up against the old flagships.

    Cheers from Germany!

    I have just tested it on my Power Head and it is a bug. I tried on 3.2.18 and not effect would load in a locked slot. Then I up dated to 3.2.20 and it was still the same.

    Has someone logged a proper bug report yet?

    I sent a full report using the RM Beta Feedback form a couple days ago. Even though I haven't heard anything back so far I'm sure they are aware and working on a fix. Thanks for confirming the bug on your unit.

    Well, the whole boost story is a bit of a mysterium to me.


    I hope I could answer your question.

    Yes - thank you for your detailed explanation!

    I must admit the "Klon Boost" really was the worst example I could pick because I didn't have a transparent boost in mind lol

    When talking about using a (drive or fuzz) pedal to boost, I mean a "dirty" boost including some tone shaping capabilities - the Hudson Broadcast is a good example as this was the original purpose of this pedal based on an old transformer based germanium console preamp, which results in a nice coloring of the boosted signal when used right.

    For an effect based transparent boost on the Profiler the "Pure Booster" is indeed the best option.

    I will create some more presets similar to the "Preamp" preset of the Kemper Fuzz with some additional volume to create some great tone shaping-boosts. The new Kemper Fuzz sounds incredibly good after all and I do applaud your mindset of not wanting to further strengthen superstitions and myths in the world of guitar effects of which there are too many already!

    I can ensure you that the effect of increasing the fuzz volume or the amp gain results in the same effect.

    We prefer to leave the fuzz volume at mid position (unity). As it is well known that many fuzz aficionados prefer to play a fuzz in to a cleanish amp to only rely on the fuzz distortion. And we can never anticipate what amp and amp gain follows after the fuzz.

    Thank you for the clarification and further explanations regarding your thought process behind your decisions!

    (Also I'm always amazed that the boss himself still takes some time even around midnight to look into the forum and engages in discussions - highly appreciated by all of us users 8))

    I understand and agree with your reasoning. It makes sense to use unity volume as a general starting point for fuzz and overdrive effects. To get the best of both worlds, I would still like to suggest to maybe add a "Boost" type preset for the Kemper Drive (i.e. Klon Boost) or a "Germanium Preamp Boost" preset for the Fuzz, as the Preamp preset already sounds glorious with any amp profile.

    This could prove to be some sort of compromise to get all users on board who rather use their pedals to boost driven amps even further and would like to find a factory preset ready to go without relying on features as Morphing etc. - just as a suggestion. I do have to say that I like your factory fuzz presets very much as well as the approach of creating a "one for all" solution, which is super versatile and covers all kinds of sounds with a single set of parameters:thumbup:

    Also I'll explore the fuzz volume vs. the amp gain a bit further, because I am certain to hear a slight difference between these two, even while knowing that technically it should sound exactly the same. I'll try a frequency analyzer and a blind test, because now I start to doubt my very own perception ^^

    The story is: We always care for scaling each parameter in the best manner, for the best feel when adjusting your sound.

    Since quite a time, I was not happy with the scaling of the Ducking parameters.

    This change went a bit under the radar besides the new fuzz, but thank you!

    I noticed the very same behavior and appreciate the change. This wider spectrum will allow for finder adjustments.

    You recommend to crack the volume of the fuzz.

    Cranking the gain of the amp is not an alternative?

    I just tried and compared raised volume on the fuzz vs. raised gain on the amp in equal increments on different profiles.

    Indeed, it gets close and maybe it should sound the same, however, I do notice subtle differences and therefore not the same effect overall. These include a slightly "fuller" bass response for the lack of better words as well as less hiss & noise (having my noise gate off like usual).

    Of course this may come down to the fact that +2 on the volume is not equals +2 on the amp gain.

    I just find it more useful to push the volume of the Kemper Fuzz effect because:

    1. It is more useful as it's not messing with the overall amp sound and can be disengaged independently without having to use Morph.

    2. It enables a better interplay with different effects that are active in between fuzz and amp.

    3. It feels more natural in general. With a tube amp and analog pedals it usually makes a very big difference between pushing the volume of the pedal or increasing the amps' overall gain, because the volume boost gets affected by the pedals character and the amp by it's own preamp configuration. When I use my analog boost pedals to push the Kemper it also sounds different than increasing the gain on the Profiler by itself. I get the same impression when using the Kemper Drive or Fuzz (even though it's absolutely no massive difference for sure).

    Anyways, I'd love to get more educated on this topic. I'd love to hear your explanation whether the KPA should sound exactly the same in the case of Fuzz Volume vs. Amp Gain. Then I'd try and mess with it some more to figure out why I feel like I prefer having the volume pushed on the Kemper Drive & Fuzz.

    Also I think I forgot to congratulate you for this awesome update! Your continuous efforts are very welcomed and appreciated :)

    Here's my first verdict on the new Kemper Fuzz:

    I can say without a doubt, that the Kemper Fuzz is in my opinion the best digital fuzz effect every implemented in a digital guitar rig that I have seen to this date and I tried quite a few already (like pedals from Source Audio, plugins, etc.). I think this is actually the first time that I get the same clipping character like on my analog fuzz pedals. On top, the Kemper Fuzz is really versatile once you understand the function and interaction of all parameters (do yourself a favor and read the 8.1 manual). I did have small expectations beforehand because so far digital fuzz effects have always been underwhelming, so I am happy to report that this update totally delivered!

    However, there is one major thing that is important to get the best out of this effect - and this is to crank the volume parameter up. I really found this to be crucial to get a real fuzz feeling with the Kemper Fuzz and it really opens up the tone. Try it!

    Unfortunately Kemper decided for all presets (same goes for the Kemper Drive) to leave the volume neutral at 0. Imo increasing the volume helps both the Kemper Drive & Fuzz to really come alive and deliver the sweet sweet sound you've been looking for. I think this said volume boost should absolutely be stock in most presets as some might overlook that. Unfortunately we can't edit and save the firmware presets as these are now maintained by the OS. I also would love to be able to choose user presets from the drop down context menu, it works great for the Cab presets, why not for user effect presets, too?

    Anyways, the Kemper Fuzz is great! I built a bunch of pedals on my own to use with the Kemper, especially fuzz pedals because that's what was lacking so far. I can recreate most of my analog pedals fairly accurate with the KF. Some are easier to recreate like my version of the Basic Audio Scarab (Tonebender MKII), while others are tricky like the KMA Audio Fuzzly Bear (Jordan Boss Tone, probably one of my favorite fuzz pedals ever). The only shortcoming is the volume interaction but that issue is well explained in the manual and an issue of the input impedance. I'd love to hear from a Stage user if that feature works on the unit like advertised.

    The interaction of Transistor Shape & Tone is particularly interesting and covers the sound of a lot of different fuzz circuits. However I wonder, if it wouldn't be useful to include a "Bias" parameter as most people would know what to expect without consulting the manual first and a specific gating effect like requested above could easily be implemented there to recreate the sound of "wrongly" biased transistors.

    tl;dr: The new Kemper Fuzz is probably one of the best implementations of a digital fuzz on the market and adds real value to our beloved Profiler. Still, there is even more potential to get more out of it regarding preset management and bias effects.

    Did you report the bug through the official form? You can't count on it being spotted here ...

    While I am certain the Team monitors these threads very carefully as they have done before, I have yet to file an official bug report. This was just a 5 minute look into the new firmware. Once I have a few minutes to spare tonight, I'll make sure to test all new features thoroughly and report back to Kemper because that's what the Public Betas are for, right?

    My post should be rather seen as a warning to all fellow users who rely on the lock function as much as I do. I was actually surprised no one brought this up. Well, I can't wait to play more later today and see what's up.

    First Bug report regarding the new preset management:

    You can choose any effect from the preset list in Rig Manager and it will load up just fine. However, once you lock it into place, you cannot change the preset anymore. Try locking in a Natural Reverb, lock it and try to pick a Cirrus Reverb preset (or a whole different effect preset for that matter). It will not load up and stay on the Natural Reverb preset as long as this effect is locked. You also cannot load up any different kind of effect, it will just be disregarded without notice until you unlock that effect and try again. Furthermore, the same is true for the preset list on the very top (the factory baked in ones). No parameters will change as long as the effect is locked.

    The only thing that will effectively change the effect is if you select a different effect and either choose "Load Type" or "Load Default".

    This is the very first thing I noticed, as I always use the lock function on my Kemper. Please note that I only tried this with Rig Manager and not the unit itself. It may behave differently.

    By the way, I also couldn't download the PDF attached to the Announcement post because it said "not authorized" for some reason.

    I have yet to play with the new fuzz effect. Anyways, I'm really liking what I read in the changelog and I appreciate all efforts by our beloved Kemper team to improve the Profiler and specifically RM 8):thumbup:

    [...] The good news (again) is that, when you put into perspective how many people install Rig Manager, the issue is very rare. I know, it doesn't look like this when you look a this thread but that thread doesn't show much of the reality to honest. [...]

    That is very true. I installed the Beta and haven't faced a single issue. Working with the arrow keys works perfectly like always. The first start took way longer, but that is obviously normal after the update of new drivers.

    I hope after the new ground work on the driver side there'll also be some attention on proper UI Scaling for modern high-res and ultra wide monitors to finally move the program into 2021 8o

    I also love the possibility to load up presets now - works great! However, I wonder if there are any plans on assigning a separate folder to load up user created presets? I have some folders on RM containing presets (which are not on the Kemper unit itself), but they do not show when editing effects and loading up presets. Or would it help if I load all presets files on the Kemper as they get loaded from there?

    Anyways, great work moving the Editor / RM forward. Love to see it and thanks for all the great support:thumbup:

    No worries mate; you're a class act. Thank you!

    Yes, Matt's improved over the years by his own reckoning (means, "his own judgement"). I think it was about 2 1/2 years ago (not last year) that he mentioned he felt there was an improvement. Based on feedback I've read I'd say that that was about the time the biggest improvement happened.

    Well, thank you for your great contributions and the wealth of information you keep sharing with everyone - it's greatly appreciated!

    Believe me, I'd like to, but as I've said many times here in the forum I've stuck with my three favourite Profilers and haven't felt a need to look elsewhere:

    Bert Meulendijk

    Guido Bungenstock

    Michael Britt

    That's it. That's all I can contribute, mate, so no "overlooked" vendors I'm afraid. :D :/  :pinch:

    These are indeed rock solid choices which don't belong in this thread anyways - my bad for baiting that one out and being too nosy:D:D

    I wish I could just settle on one or two vendors, but I'm waaay too curious and love to check out new sounds right, left & center :S

    dont forget about SoundSide profiles

    Great idea, Armin of SoundSide makes some quality profiles indeed and to my knowledge is one of the early foundations of third party profiles. I can see how they are fairly overlooked nowadays since they haven't been very active in quite a while.

    While we're at it I would also like to mention Big Hairy Profiles. Even though I think they've got a fair community, I don't see their profiles getting recommended too often here or on facebook, which is actually quite a shame given that they offer some really rare & unique gear that you'll hardly find elsewhere :thumbup:

    In terms of vintage tone Lucky Lady Vintage Guitars has one pack out which I thought was stellar. Look forward to their next release. Gainy tones...Tone Wars produces some righteous captures. Hearing rumors of a boutique amp builder who specializes in higher gain models is toying with the idea of releasing a profile pack. No official word yet but these could be well received by players who like some sizzle. Hopefully more to come on that.

    Thanks for your contribution of ideas here! These surely are some promising candidates.

    I'd especially love to try out some Tone Wars Packs, but from what I've seen they are somewhat pricey and I haven't seen any free samples so I am somewhat hesitant to pick them up. I have heard a lot of good things about them, though, especially for live use & feel. Which packs are your favorites here?

    Also please keep us updated if you know that a new official amp builders' pack is coming out. Always good to support official packs if they are decent.

    You're welcome & thanks for throwing new names in here! These surely aren't mentioned too often around here :thumbup:

    Monkey_Man you've been around for quite a while, too. I'm sure you'll have a few names to add to the list as well, don't you? ;)

    Matt's been Profiling for at least 5 years I reckon; I wouldn't categorise him as being upcoming. :)

    Ah I totally messed that up! You're right of course, Matt has been in the game for a while and I should have used more concise language here. What I meant is that over the last year I feel he has reached a new peak in terms of a consistent high quality and output. I have some of his old MTS module profiles and I think compared to his recent packs it becomes evident that he's constantly striving to improve his profiling skills. So people who have known his older profiles might want to check out his more recent offerings starting with the Friedman 4.0 because it's just pure gold.

    Well, I could blame it on English not being my first language but I should know better :D

    I hope that clears up what I originally meant. "Upcoming" definitely wasn't the right word here, sorry for that.

    Alright, by now most of us have experience with all the big sellers, who usually have a big catalog and appear to be present everywhere, let it be this forum or all the groups on social media.

    That's why this thread is dedicated to the profile creators which usually fly under the radar, are criminally underrated or offer a deal that's almost too good to be true. Generally, these are people who don't own or are backed by a big studio as well as putting out little to no marketing.

    No one here says that would be a bad thing and we all love the well established big vendors. Still, this is supposed to be a platform to bring lesser known offerings up to the surface.

    Please note: This thread is not for:

    - pointing out great profiles on Rig Exchange

    - discussing free Rigs in general

    - discussing your favorite vendors overall

    but instead is aimed to provide inspiration for everyone.

    I will start with one of the best deals if you are anything into Marshalls. Godi Hillmann created Katzbach Profiles and profiled 18 vintage to modern Marshalls in cooperation with the Marshall Amp Museum Germany. I think it covers pretty much all flavors and they even have one specific JMP50 which was owned and used by Stevie Ray Vaughn himself. I highly recommend the All Bundle which comes in at only 25€ that will surely put a smile in your face. I am still amazed how well single coils work with most of the profiles in general. I wouldn't recommend it if you only play high gain, however, it covers everything from breakup crunch to hard rock.

    Another "steal of the century" is in my opinion the one(!) profile pack by Peter's Crazy Profiles which is in my opinion the -end all- of my highgain needs. If you play metal do yourself a favor and pick this one up. The list of amps is substantial, as well a a lot of MTS (Synergy) Modules, which cover pretty much every flavor of high gain. Also, all profiles are Merged Profiles and he includes a ton of great Cab Presets that genuinely rival some of the best IRs there are. Best of all, he regularly updates his pack for free when he gets to profile new gear, so there's always more to come in a different flavor as well. Currently it's V10 with over 1026 profiles which are honestly all highly usable! I can't recommend him enough and feel like more people should know. If you want a taste he got 16 profiles on Rig Exchange if you search for the Author Petr82.

    An upcoming profile creator is Mattfig. His Friedman 4.0 pack is pure bliss and replaced the already great profiles by Mr. Meulendijk I've been using before. He has a logical system in his profiles (LG = Low Gain, MG = Mid Gain,... / (cool), (warm), (hot),...), which makes it very easy to find the sound you are looking for fast. He always includes at least two Cabinets for the studio profiles and has an extensive set of DI profiles to go along, which I am personally a huge fan of! Paired with my favorite IRs / Cabs I can get any flavor I am looking for in the best quality. As far as I know every pack after the mentioned Friedman 4.0 is beyond awesome and he even got an original Dumble profiled if that's what you're looking for. Overall I'm very pleased with his work and wouldn't be surprised if he's constantly mentioned along the big names long term.

    Lastly, a seller I don't hear often about is Selah Sounds. I got a few packs from them and all profiles are extremely consistent. They also have a couple official Kemper packs in cooperation with Kinglsey Amps. What sets them apart is that they always create a specific version for humbuckers and single coils for each profile. They are not as active and may disappear in the shadow of something like Tone Junkies, but I highly recommend them and think they are underrated.

    That's it with my suggestions. I can easily recommend any of those profile creators mentioned here in a heart beat and think that these offerings may be a welcomed alternative if you're usually aiming for the well-known big guys on the market.

    One last thing, in case you feel adventurous our fellow user Theyetti1 put in his time to create a very detailed list if you are looking to discover something completely new: . : KemperFiles : .

    That's it from me. Please share you own opinions of lesser known profile packs that you think most people will just overlook 8)