Posts by bsawyer

    As best I can tell, the Profiler applies a cabinet IR to all signal chains once it is loaded. In the case where 'Monitor Cab Off' is selected, it sounds to me like the IR is somehow being 'cancelled out' on the Monitor Output, instead of only being applied to the Main Outputs. This leads to audible artifacts through a guitar cabinet (e.g. boominess and reduced high-end output). These artifacts are not present when using a Direct Profile that has never had a cabinet IR loaded in. As soon as a cabinet IR is loaded with a Direct Profile, the artifacts appear at the Monitor output (even if the cabinet block is switched off). I currently use an external IR loader pedal after the Main Output to avoid ever applying a cabinet IR to a Direct Profile and get perfect results for both the guitar cabinet and front-of-house signals, but I would love to simplify this setup.

    If the above interpretation is correct, then I think a better solution would be to switch the 'Monitor Cab Off' option to 'Monitor Cab On' - perhaps this could be achieved by internally splitting the Main Output signal pre-main-volume and pre-main-eq? In this way, the default signal chains would never have a cabinet IR applied, and IR convolution would only ever occur on the Monitor Output if explicitly selected.

    If I'm wrong about this and the issue is just some firmware bug, then even better!

    Quote from goldensheaf

    All I can say is what sounds realistic as di profile through real cab does not always sound good in ya DAW with a IR.

    I agree with this, but I'm pretty happy with what the IR is doing to the sound in the DAW/in-ears. I think that is working exactly as it should. My issue is that adding any IR to a DI profile changes the Monitor Output sound to my real cabinet (even when Monitor Cab Off is selected).

    Thanks for your response. Just to clarify, are you saying that 'it always sounds great either way,' or do you not hear a difference at all between the two scenarios? Depending on the setup, I can imagine that this difference doesn't hurt the tone too much, but my main question is whether you hear any difference at all between a Direct Profile (no cab IR) and that same Direct Profile with a cabinet IR loaded (Monitor Cab Off). I'm hearing it most prominently when I test a profile of a very wideband high-gain amp (i.e. Dual Rectifier).

    I guess I should throw a microphone on the cabinet and show some FFT spectra to compare the two cases. It sounds like it's shaving off frequency content above ~6-8 kHz, which might only modify certain amp sounds.

    I'm interested in hearing about other people's experience with the Kemper Power units used with real guitar cabs. I've had a PowerRack for a few years now, and one thing that has always bugged me is that, when I create a direct amp profile (no cab engaged), I hear a very good rendition of the amp sound into a guitar cabinet. However, as soon as I add a cabinet to the direct profile, the 'cab in the room' sound changes drastically (yes, 'Monitor Cab Off' is engaged here). For reference, I play primarily high gain sounds (Mesa Dual Rec, PV 5150, etc.).

    As soon as I add a cabinet IR to the Rig, the real cabinet in the room starts to sound phase-y in the low end and is very boomy - even when I click off the cabinet block. It also loses a lot of the 'sizzle' that the direct profile had when played through the real cabinet. Is there something that happens when a cabinet is first added to a direct profile that noticeably alters the monitor output to a cabinet? Does anyone else notice this? I quit using this thing live for a while because of this effect. I'm considering keeping the Direct profiles as-is and just adding an IR pedal after the Main output, which seems kinda ridiculous, but would solve this issue...

    It seems to me that the cabinet is being added to the rig, then 'removed' imperfectly for the Monitor output. If this is the case, it'd be nice if you had the option to just tack the IR onto the Main Output only.

    Things I've tried with no improvement:

    (1) Merged Profile vs. just copying an IR into a direct profile

    (2) Pure Cab is OFF

    (3) System reset