Posts by ElectricPhase

    If ever you find yourself looking to recover files not backed up there is a free software called recuva. Sometimes you can also pull flat files by booting the system with a Linux Ubuntu live cd. You can also rebuilt boot sectors with testdisk. I would not recommend testdisk if you are not technical. Hope that helps if you have any issues like that in the future.

    Yes. Been there. Spent a week of my life doing that. That situation was also caused by a documented Windows 10 bug. Luckily I recovered 99% of the "lost" (actually arbitrarily deleted by Windows 10 after an update) data...and didn't mention it in my prior post probably due to a kind of PTSD induced amnesia. After the relative stability (one or two blue screens a year) of Windows 7, 10 really is a hot mess!

    I have no idea what you are talking about. Windows 10 is great.

    Windows 10 is just fine until it reboots without permission (in the processing closing a dozen running applications and corrupting or discarding open files) to apply an unwanted update that breaks a driver that's been working for years. Then, said driver doesn't get fixed for six months, leaving you with expensive hardware reduced to a doorstop. Yes, all of the above happened to me.

    Windows 10 is unpredictable, unreliable, and unsupported. Not my idea of great....but I've been stuck with it for over a year so it doesn't matter to me in the context of RM.