Posts by barryhugo33

    If you want the amp in the room feel then a power amp and real cab will give you that feel. But as I mention later, Greenbacks like to be pushed a bit. Thats when they shine and sound amazing. Ive tried the FRFR route with powered speakers, Ive tried the FX200 and Kemper kones and didnt care for any of them. I just go with my kemper --> power amp --> mesa cab. Thats how it sounds best for me. I also try to find only direct profiles when using my kemper into the real cab. This way the kemper only acts as a "real amp". If price isnt a worry for you then I would suggest buying another 2x12 or 1x12 and getting a full range speaker and trying it in there. This way you can use the full power of the kemper as opposed to just the amp profile....

    I'm thinking of one of the following:

    1. Just find a more versatile guitar speaker. Not an FRFR or modeling...just a guitar speaker that's more adaptable or maybe a combo of two different speakers --- What is considered a more versatile speaker? Greenbacks are quite good at what they do, they are meant to be pushed. V30's may be too midrangey for you... So many choices...
    2. Buy an oversized 1x12, partial open back with an Alnico, H30, or something for more indie/roots type sounds -- You could go that route but having a 2x12 does give you a bit more oomph to the sound. Not as much as a 4x12 though. It is however heavier than a 1x12...
    3. Buy a couple of Kemper Kones to put in the existing cab -- Ive tried this route and didnt care for it much. I put it in a mesa 2x12 recto cab and did not like the results. Im more of an "amp in the room" kind of person vs FRFR setup
    4. Buy a couple of Powered Kemper Kabs - if it's close enough on the imprints. That'd give me a grab and go plus something to cover a larger sound spectrum when needed -- This could be an option but again, its going the route of FRFR...

    1 - play with the eq in the output section. That was a eureka moment for me.

    2 - add graphic eq's to shape your sound more.

    3 - the definition and power sag are my friends, love it and is normally my first stop with new profiles

    4 - invest in good profiiles. Currently my fave is top jimi casswell afd. Its fantastic

    5 - if you plan to use a real cab, get a good power amp.

    Thats a start for ya. ?

    So after this exhausting test of switching speakers around and dialing in tones.... Ive decided to stick to my real cab speakers. One thing is I am finding myself constantly tweaking as opposed to playing!

    I had my real speakers set up and sounded fantastic. I guess Im just not into the FRFR thing still.

    I have posted the speakers up for sale on here in the classified section if anyone is interested. They are brand new and may work for someone who has more patience and a better ear for dialing it in.

    Hope this helps someone down the road....


    Hi all, I recently bought these but after testing them, Ive decided to go with my normal cab speakers. Not that they sound bad, I just prefer regular speakers.

    I paid $281 Canadian each. - Can provide the receipt of purchase for warranty info.

    Looking to get $400 for both or $230 each. - E transfer's accepted

    Im located in Toronto Ontario area, would rather deal locally but can also ship (plus shipping charges).


    Last update... lol

    so, I did some more tweaking today for a couple of hours. I think I have dialed in a good tone on all my commonly used rigs.

    As to which speaker i prefer???

    Im leaning towards the celestion t be honest. To me it still maintains that Guitar speaker feel to the sound. I might be imagining it but, ya.

    Ive bought a second f12 and will be installing when it arrives Monday for a full experience in the mesa 2x12. I just want to see if 2 is better than 1.

    The kone sounds still too “full range” for me. Again, just my $0.02.

    So far, the celestion seems like a viable option to the kone.

    It shouldn't sound fizzy at all. Sounds like you've got the cab turned off. Is the sound changing when you select different imprints?

    Fizzy probably was a bad way to describe it. It was sounding very trebly. Also I made sure the cab selections were correct, I was able to hear the difference when the cab was off. The imprints did change the sound when I was switching them.

    It sounds a lot better now though with some tweaking and help from dmatthews. ?

    Hmmm... Bummer! I must say that I don't detect any fizz on my Kone. I bet you're setup the same, but here are my settings in RM...

    Obviously never mind the volume setting... and of course the speaker choice. What speaker imprint are you trying?

    i tried the settings you had on the vhii profile and I must say, it sounded WAY better! I saved it and its a good start for me. Sounded very alive! Thanx for your help on that one. Now to dial in my jubilee profiles....