Posts by Andres5150

    Kemper World, i know there's always tons of variables and taste but where should the new BETA Double Tracker go in the chain fo effects? Should it go in the EQ slot (x or mod) before delay and/or reverb or should it go on the far back end after reverb?

    I originally was placing in the x or mod slot but now second guessing if i'm going to record straight into a daw if it should be on the back end. Especially after i've spent a long time modifying a profile, just want a lil double track taste to it.

    Let me know your 2 cents, thanks in advance

    Just got my Kabinets and to save an imprint on the rig you need to first go to output section and enable cab off, then you can select imprint of your choice. Question is, in performance mode , slot 1 has a perfect rig with a Kemper imprint added to the profile, but lets say slot 2 has a great rig with no imprint so FRFR. As of right now I have to go into rig manager and then deactivate the output section & enable cab button. I can't fine a way to save each rig individually with the global output with one cab enabled on and another rig cab enabled off?

    thanks ahead, I looked everywhere and can't seem to get a clear answer

    Sorry guys just got my Kabinets and have the same question. I'm in performance mode and have an imprint that works perfect for the rig in slot one, but it only works if I turn off the output cabinet off, but now I switch to slot 2 and that rig sounds perfect in frfr mode, so as of right now I have to go into rig manager and go to output section and turn the cabinet back on. Is there a way around this? where each rig can be saved and automactically turn on and off the output cab?


    I'm going with the Seymour Duncan Powerstage 700. It's stereo and the word on the street its bas A$$ with the Kemper. I've been waiting patiently (not really, its tough) for over 2 months for that and 2 Kemper Kabinets to replace my FRFR's.

    Hello Kemper world! Bear with me I’m new to the Kemper world and this is my virgin post. I got my green beast (Kemper Stage) about 6 months ago and I love this machine. I spend everyday learning new things about it but now I’m coming for help. I finally figured out the looper function and was getting minimal to no volume during playback’ I hit the post position for it and now I hear it clear, but when I change rigs and play crunch over the lead tone it sounds like crap and the volume levels are totally off. Any help would be appreciated, thanks in advance