Posts by gearplan123

    This old rub. Again and again and again. Anyone else having this issue? Ive had this problem about 10 times but was working fine for the last month. Then I just loaded my profiler into a rack because I have to record overseas. Plugged the usb back into my Mac book and wont sync up. Launching rig manager I get the spinning wheel of doom but does eventually load. The first time I tried to restart computer it wouldn't let me because RM wouldn't close. Couldn't even force quit it. Updated the latest RM software 3.0.82. Managed to shut down computer. Relaunched computer but still wont sync. Reading sometimes Kemper servers are down. Have to get on a plane in 2 days and now this. Im a professional session musician and everyones heard about this thing and asks me about it but this one issue makes it so darn unreliable in big moments. I really do love my profiler but always have to give it the caveat its great "if you can get out to work." Ug. Anyway, anybody have advice on this?

    I can open and see to the presets folder in rig manager. When I click on one of the presets it turns green but no corresponding action happens on my Kemper. For example in the Kemper Factory content presets in rig manager I click on "back and forth" which is a delay but no delay is populated on the Kemper that I can see. All the effects say empty still. I can switch amps through rig manager so I know I'm connected through the usb. What am I missing? Please advise and thanks for your help.

    Same thing just happened to me. Kept getting warnings all day that my HD was full. I checked my storage yesterday and had 260 gb available. Spent the whole day tracking it down and finally found it was DriverLog.txt in the rig manager folder taking up over 250 gb!!! Not good Kemper. Please figure it out and fix this in your next update.

    Thanks for advice once again deadman42. I dont now what button I hit to cause this change but somehow there was no output selected in every new track I created after I started messing around with Logic and Focusrite control trying to hear the SPDIF track. It wasn't just that track or even that project file. I must made a universal change in logic so even when creating a new track in a new project there was no output selected in the track inspector. (All the way in the left, middle of the pic) Once I put that to stereo out, boom, there it was.

    Thanks for taking the time to respond. I have the rack and your advice has already paid dividends. I'm now getting levels in logic and in Focusrite control. I didn't have the Clarett set to spdif. However, now Im not getting any monitor sound if that's the correct way to put it. Basically I can see there's levels but can't hear anything. Do I need to set something to hear those channels? Which are channels 3/4.

    Hi. Im having some trouble recording using the spidf out on my Kemper. Im using, as I already mentioned, the Kemper SPDIF out into a Focusrite Clarett. Then the Clarett goes into Logic Pro 10.4.7 on a MacBook Pro. My Kemper is using the latest software. 7.1.2 as well. All the clocks are set to 44.1. The SPDIF out is set to master stereo and the SPDIF volume is up in the output settings. After that I really don't know what to do and I don't see any levels coming from anywhere at any point along the chain so don't even know where to begin to trouble shoot. Is there a step by step guide/video somewhere to show how to do this? That starts with, "Now turn on your Kemper," level of simplicity. I found a few forums where people have made it pretty far and are missing just one thing but I feel like I might be missing a few things. Can anyone who's done this or understands this advise? I would most definitely be appreciative. Thanks for even humoring this thread!