Posts by SeanChristopher

    After a bunch of trial and error and manually putting in the SSID and Password on the Stage, and even an error message after a restart, I finally got the Stage unit to connect to my home network and show up right in the System Menu. And I finally got my Profiler Stage to show up in the app to allow me to try to connect to it.

    But now when I try to connect to my Profiler Stage in the app, I get an error message on my S23 Ultra (running Android 13) that says "Cannot connect to Profiler. Please ensure that the Rig Manager App has access to devices in the local network.

    It worked much easier with Access Point Mode but then my phones using data instead of wifi while i'm at home and my reception at home is terrible so I rely on the wifi for a lot. I was hoping the Home Network Mode would work as well as the Access Point Mode!

    I have the same issue with my Stage unit as well! I'm trying to pull up the manual to find how you guys were able to connect! I did the access point mode at first but it doesn't always connect so I wanted to try the main WPS method and found that the button doesn't do anything even after pushing the WPS button on my router.

    After the last RM update, the BrightCap Intensity parameter doesn't show up in the RM Editor anymore. I'm not sure if it was the last OS update, or if the last RM update caused it, but I noticed it after updating both RM and my Kemper Stage's OS. RM first and then the OS update prompt to update my Kemper Stage showed up after updating RM.

    I've tried uninstalling and reinstalling RM and reverting my Kemper Stage's OS and updating it again and it didn't fix anything unfortunately.

    Is anyone else experiencing this? I'm running the the latest version of RM on a PC running Windows 11

    I was confused looking at the list of new amp models because I didn't think I saw any new ones at first. But after a second glance, I realized there are a ton more Fender amp models now! They must have blurred together with the other ones because there were already a good number of Fender amp models on the list lol.

    I'm glad they're adding to the amp model list! And it's always great to see more amp models and more functionality added to the Profiler.

    But It would be nice to see some other amp brands with some variety on there though. Maybe some more Friedman amps, Mesa Mark series amps, and Diezel amps would be really cool to see added to the list!

    The update went super smooth on my Stage so far. I updated from the last public beta. I'll update my post if anything changes or if I run into any issues :thumbup: :thumbup:

    The Audio Technica M40X headphones are great for playing guitar, dialing in tones, and mixing if needed. They're the flat response version of the M50x model and are slightly less in price also.

    I've actually gone through the grueling process of ordering a bunch of pairs of headphones and trying them all out to see which was best for what I was looking for. It's much easier to make a clear decision when you can directly compare them.

    I tried out all of the following headphones : Audio Technica M50X, Audio Technica M40X, Sennheiser 280 Pro, Beyerdynamic 770 Pro(80 Ohms), Sony MDR-7506, Shure SRH840, and a few other I can't think of at the moment.

    The Audio Technica M40X's sounded the most flat and clear, and sounded clearest when loud especially. They really surprised me since they're one of the more affordable options and I really like being able to replace the cable when it breaks instead of having to replace the headphones lol. They sound great for playing guitar through and can get loud without buzzing and they sound balanced in comparison to a lot of other headphones, especially the M50X's. The M50X's are more bass hyped and treble hyped for music listening and consumers but most people go for those because they're in the same $150 price range where other entry level high end headphones sit at, and they often overlook the M40X because it's the cheaper option. After all, it does make it seem like the cheaper AT headphones would be the consumer model and the more expensive ones would be for music production.

    If you give the M40X's a shot, I think you'll be pleasantly suprised. And you might even save some cash in comparison to how much some of the other comparable options are.

    And if you're trying to decide between a few different headphones, my best advice would be to narrow it down to 2 or 3 options and then try them all out side by side. That way you can make a sure decision and never have to wonder which is best for you. Hope this helps!!^^

    MarshallCW , I think that Ibot39 is on to something here.

    Contrary to popular belief, one of the aspects of the guitar signal chain that dictates your guitar tone in a major way-is your Cab/Speaker choice and mic placement when capturing that tone or the Impulse Response being used.

    One of the consistent things among the Neural DSP plugins is the IRs that Nolly Getgood does. I think what you're liking the most about the tones you're getting is due to that.

    I've actually disabled the cab section and used the same IRs when comparing Kemper Profiles and the Neural DSP plugins, and the result was just really unnaturally tight bass/low end and a lot of high end content with the Neural DSP plugins in comparison to Kemper Profiles (when comparing just profiles and the amps from the plugins with no EQ and without any low or high cuts on with either)

    Before selling your KPA, maybe try just using the Cab section of the Neural DSP plugins along with the Amp section of your fav profiles and see how you like the results.

    If you like those results, then you'd probably be just as happy with investing in GGD ZIlla Cabs Studio or the ML Sound Labs Mikko Cab plugin. The GGD Zilla Cabs Studio is an entire library of IRs made by Nolly Getgood made with different speakers and taken with different mics, and you can mix the IRs in a really easy to use interface in order to create your own custom IR's with Nolly's library of IRs. Definitely something to look into as an alternative if it really is the IRs that are the make or break factor in the tones you like.

    It's definitely something to look into! Because your KPA unit is capable of so much in comparison to a plugin, its worth putting in some time to see if you can figure out what you can do to get tones you want out of the unit imo. I think if you sold it and went with plugins, they'd leave you wanting more out of them in some situations and you'll probably have to compensate for that with other gear. Just consider how many high quality effects and stuff like that the KPA has in it and compare to the basic few pedals in each plugin and going with the choice with more options usually gives you more versatility in some situations. But I think that's why you're asking for the community to help you see more perspectives on the situation and kudos to you for that my brother. We can learn a lot from different perspectives and I hope some of what I said can help at least a little bit lol

    I don't want to judge the quality of the profiles.

    But I think Jarrod still doesn't completely get the concept of Kemper refining. Maybe he just should sit down and read the manual / basics ?

    One example: He is talking about refining with different guitars, pickups....

    That is nonsense. It does surely matter how you set the knobs on the amp to fit your guitars before profiling. But the guitar used for REFINING process has no impact to the result.

    Like all of us, the Profiler (Jarrod from ToneWars) is a regular guy with faults like everyone else. He's admitted to not fully understanding Refining in the past, due to getting bad results from over-doing the Refining process.

    Refining is sort of a dark art and even though the manual mentions it, it doesn't give a thorough explanation of what to do and how to do it. It just gives a vague "play stuff for a duration" basically. Even John Cordy has mentioned in videos that he doesn't fully understand it and the Kemper manual could benefit from elaborating in that section ;)

    Jarrod was actually open to learning more about it and took many criticisms from his viewers and friends. This, in my opinion, makes all the difference. Say what you want but the truth is, the guys man enough to learn from mistakes, own up to those mistakes, and let them make him better. Something that can't be said for everyone.

    The result of that is improved Profiles and I was impressed with what I played from his most recent pack that was done with Refining Profiles

    I checked out this pack because I have always had great experiences with the ToneWars Profile packs. The Profiler (Jarrod from ToneWars) has improved his Profiling technique and has added in the Refine process to his Profiling technique, and the results are stellar!! I thought the ToneWars Profiles were already great, but this has taken the ToneWars Profiles to another level in my opinion!

    The pack includes the first Profile pack for the Mesa Badlander, and the new pack with new Refined Profiles. The first pack had 29 profiles (10 Crunch Profiles, 13 Crush Profiles, 2 Tailored Profiles dialed in with Jarrods settings, and 4 Clean Profiles) and 25 DI Profiles.

    This new pack has 22 new Refined Profiles done with a Diezel 2x12 Cab w/G12-K100's. There are 9 Crunch Profiles with various Gain and tone-stack settings, along with 2 Crunch Variax Profiles (which sound awesome!). And there are 10 Crush Profiles with various Gain and tone-stack settings, and 2 Crush Variax Profiles (Which also sound awesome!!).

    The new Refined Crunch Profiles sound amazing and have a really great open-ness to them that I like a lot. They have a much more shaped low end, and really clear high end. I was pleasantly surprised to hear how great the new Refined Crunch Profiles sound. I ended up using a good number of them to build some really sick mid-gain and pushed tones. Throw a Kemper Drive in front of the Profile with the Klon or TS808 presets and there are some glorious sounds to be found there!!

    The new Refined Crush Profiles were like heaven for me! lol I was in tonal nirvana when I dialed some of the Crush and Crush Variax Profiles! The new Refined Crush Profiles have a really full yet tight and defined low end, as well as a really present and clear high end. The Crush Profiles have a really rich and saturated distortion and they sound fat and chewy and thick, while still maintaining note-clarity (which is the type of high gain sound that I really like). I threw a Kemper Drive in front of my favorite Crush Profiles, with the Horizon Attack 2 or Horizon Attack 3 presets with the Volume turned up and Drive turned down low, and got some really searing yet tight and articulate high gain tones!

    Another cool thing about this pack is that there are 2 different Cabs used for the Profiles. The Cab in the first version of the Badass Boogie pack, is a Mesa 2x12 Cab with 2 V30's mic'd with an ATM-410 and SM57. And the Cab in the Badass Boogie pack V2, is a Diezel 2x12 with 2 G12-K100's mic'd with a Royer R-10 and a SM57. I found myself loving the Diezel Cab so much that I ended up saving it as a Cab preset to use with other Profiles! lol

    Overall, I'd say this V2 of the Badass Boogie pack really surprised me and I am glad I tried it out! I've really loved the ToneWars Profile packs that i've tried so far, so I didn't think that the Profiles could get much better. I thought the difference would be minor. I was SO wrong!! lol The Profiles got way better than they already were and the tones are unbelievable!

    To anyone looking for a Profile pack for the Mesa Badlander, I'd highly recommend this Profile pack if you're looking for versatility and really sick high gain tones.

    For anyone interested in checking out the pack, or any other packs by ToneWars, check out the ToneWars website

    Yes and it still gets better and better! I wish other vendors release firmware updates (fixes and improvments!!!) after a so long time.
    Best investment ever!

    So true! Always getting better, and the Kemper Team continues to develop more tech like Imprints and stuff like the Kemper Kone and Kemper Kab, to further the sonic capabilites of the KPA. The fact that they've developed Imprints and the Kemper Kones, to allow the KPA to have full on "amp in the room" tone with the flexibility of Impulse Responses and an FRFR, is HUGE and it sets the KPA in another league in my opinion ?

    This post is funny to me, as it seems you are exhibiting the personal bias that you are laying on others.

    I mean, you have not done your own comparison between the QC and the KPA have you? It seems you are just accepting others opinions through a youtube video.

    I have a Kemper and a QC on the way. I remain open minded and fully expect that each device will have its strengths and weaknesses.

    There is absolutely zero possibility of making an accurate assessment for my needs until I have a chance to directly compare them myself.

    Come on man, just have your opinions and share them but that doesn't have to extend to you picking apart others' comments in a rude way.

    I think tons of comments you post are hilarious and ridiculous and i'm literally on the floor laughing sometimes at the absurdity. But do I go and pick apart all you say? No, I don't. Do I put it out there that I have so little respect for your opinion that I'd go as far as saying "this post is funny to me"? Nah, I don't cos that's rude as hell and I was raised better than to be insulting when it wasn't warranted. You know, there are ways to get your point across without being rude and without insults. Unfortunately, i'm past the point of being nice when you start being insulting.

    Did I claim to do any testing of my own or make any claims that you're being petty about?? No. I commented on the outcome the people in the video came to for their blind test. Did I need to be there to see that in a blind test all of them preferred the KPA when no bias or anything like that was involved? No. I didn't claim that I was involved and came to the same conclusion first hand. I commented about how the outcome was cool to see and how it's interesting how the preferred unit to the guys in the vid all were the same when no bias or hype or any of that is part of the equation.

    It's pretty hard to deny results of something like a blind test and for some reason, the KPA does well in blind tests. That has nothing to do with me and I have no control over that, it just is what it is.

    Somehow you equate the obvious outcome of the video in that particular situation, to something that's debatable or something and it comes down to the fact that the guys in the vid preferred one unit's tones over the other every time and there's not a way I can make a false claim about that lol. It is what it is. Don't be mad at me man, I'm not the one in the vid who didn't pick the QC in a blind shootout. Yeah, the results for me or you might be different and we might prefer different things. But my comment was about the video. And commenting on the outcome in the vid doesn't mean i'm "exhibiting my personal bias" or "laying it on others". Commenting on a situations outcome doesn't mean i'm pushing my opinion on people lol and idk how you got that from my post.

    It's crazy how just because some people still like their Kemper, and aren't running to sell their gear to buy the QC and jump on the hype train, you assume they're Kemper fanatics and its ridiculous. If people don't support your attempts to insist the QC will be better, you treat them like an enemy that you need to be hostile towards. It's totally possible to be supportive of both things and assuming someone is totally against you just because they make a comment about the obvious outcome of a video, doesn't mean they're bashing the unit you're all about in an obsessive way lol. Just because some people are realistic and see it as another tool that's capable of the same type of tones as everything else currently, and don't think it's "next level", doesn't mean they're fanatics lol. When anyone has any mild criticisms of the QC, you instantly have to jump to discredit them and be insulting in order to defend the QC and that's being more of a fanatic if you ask me.

    Keep in mind, others not preferring the QC doesn't make it bad and won't affect your experience with it. You're being defensive as if it's gonna all the sudden be terrible just because everyone isn't selling their current gear for it and because it isn't marginally better than anything that's currently available. It seems to be able to do just fine, like any other current gear. It just doesn't seem miles better than everything else like the hype and advertisement claims were, so i've been looking at the unit realistically and have been making observations based on my own interest in it. And that somehow makes me a fanatic? Come on man. Literally, all you gotta do is not be petty and not hop to pick apart what people say and you aren't gonna spark up anymore unpleasant replies like this for yourself lol.

    Whenever you hop in the comments and you start to pick apart people's posts, it starts to get unpleasant and people get nasty to each other. For some reason you seem to need to step on others' opinions to make your point. There's really not a reason to be insulting when making a point unless you're just being unpleasant in an obvious way and I honestly would prefer it never got to this point but, when it does you gotta expect people to defend themselves. There's a way to communicate with people without the insults and without being immediately offensive lol.

    I really didn't want to come back like this but honestly, this isn't the first time you pick apart people's posts in a uncool way and stir the pot on this forum and it really isn't necessary to be part of the conversation. We're not all trying to bash the QC just because we're making observations and comparisons to other top gear. And no one here is against you in the way you seem to think. There's really no need for the insults and backhanded comments and stuff. We can all communicate without that stuff and we all can critique things without it meaning hatred for that product lol

    This post is funny to me, as it seems you are exhibiting the personal bias that you are laying on others.

    I mean, you have not done your own comparison between the QC and the KPA have you? It seems you are just accepting others opinions through a youtube video.

    I have a Kemper and a QC on the way. I remain open minded and fully expect that each device will have its strengths and weaknesses.

    There is absolutely zero possibility of making an accurate assessment for my needs until I have a chance to directly compare them myself.

    I watched it too and it's honestly really cool to see the Kemper not only holds its own, but still remains the best of the best! And it's pretty sick that it's undefeated when it comes to blind shootouts! lol

    It's crazy how much hype and personal bias can cloud peoples' perceptions of things, until it comes down to a blind test or something of that sort. That's when the truth really comes out and in blind tests, the Kemper has always killed it;)^^

    Refining should not take more than a minute, as seen in the Guido Bungenstock videos. We might replace in the future, still.

    A mishap as in the recent videos never happens when you aim to make your own profile.

    It has never been put on video before, but now it has happened twice in a row, stayed unnoticed by the makers.

    How would you prevent this from happening what would never happen to you IMHO? Throw the global Pure Cabinet over board?

    Adding a Refinement process to the Profiling algorithm or something of that sort is a great idea, and I'd be excited to see what you the Kemper team would do with it! But even if those changes are made, I hope the original Refine option is still available:)

    It is always a positive thing to allow reaching further accuracy. The ability to keep Refining to reach higher accuracy is a very strong advantage that the Kemper Amp has over any competition ^^

    As for Pure Cabinet, it would make sense to keep both the Global Pure Cabinet option, and the Cabinet section option for setting it for each individual rig. But making the factory settings have Pure Cabinet off Globally would make it so it's only activated consciously by the user. That would make it so the user is aware of Pure Cab at the point it's activated, rather than users being unaware of having on a global blanket effect that changes the original sound of Profiles noticeably.

    It's an amazing effect and I think it definitely has a strong place in the KPA:) It's a huge positive of the KPA and should remain. But I just don't think it's the best idea to have the factory settings have it on Globally, considering people typically using the unit with factory settings are new users. It makes sense to give new users the pure sound of the Profiles without any Global effects or Global EQ's active.

    Of course, I mean all of this with respect to you and the Kemper team:)

    Ask him for sure!

    I am confident that he had Pure Cabinet on. There is no way to make a Profile sound this way, except Pure Cabinet or fiddling with the Cabinet parameters afterwards.

    It might be a good way to set Pure Cabinet to zero default.

    However, it might not have prevented him from having Pure Cabinet on, as he is aware of it and disliking it. So he has it on the radar, and he might have switched it on accidently.

    He might have noticed it an hour later, when it was about making a Profile for himself. But this was a comparison video, and thus a different workflow.

    Jarrod posted a new vid and it turns out, he had the Pure Cab setting turned all the way down in the Output section, but PureCab was still on. A common and understandable mishap. I can see that it definitely wasn't any intentional thing and was an accident as you had predicted.

    I've actually had issues with the PureCab setting in the Cab section even with it off in the Output section (checkbox unchecked as well). I've often been setting PureCab on a per rig basis in the Cab section and even with it set to 0, it's often still on. I almost always have to turn it back up and then down a few more times to get it to turn off all the way. It's quite frustrating but, I never reported a bug or posted about it because no one else seemed to have an issue with it and I don't often like to make a fuss unless it's necessary in a situation lol. It makes me wonder though, how many people have completely turned off PureCab in the Ouput section, and then turned it to 0 in the Cab section with it still being on without their knowledge. Because at that point, the only way to tell it's on is to turn the PureCab setting in the Cab section back up and down over and over until you can audibly hear it off all the way, and that's hard to tell with no sonic reference to how a Profile sounds without PureCab enabled to begin with.

    Anyways, I thought it was interesting at the least.

    A common mistake, i'm sure :)

    He seems to have Refined this time, based off of the reaction of the first vid. Definitely a genuine guy and it takes a lot of balls to own to to a mistake and to be real about personal growth and learning things along the way. I have a ton of respect for that!

    The Kemper sounds great in this comparison IMO!!^^ As it always does!!;) You've created something truly awesome sounding CK! We all are extremely lucky to have your innovations be brought to fruition in our lifetime:)

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    That's a two edged sword.

    On on hand you have QC which automagically creates a profile without asking if you think it's accurate enough and offers no way of messing with it. As of know I've yet to hear a capture which sounds identical to the source and you can't do anything about it.
    On the other hand you have the KPA which basically requires you to offer your input but if you do it right you can make it sound identical to the source as seen in the guidorist videos.
    Seeing those videos made me regret selling my Kemper ...

    A double edged sword indeed! :) But, it doesn't have to be that for the KPA.

    I think it'd be best to have both with the KPA. It'd make a lot of sense to add an automatic Refinement to the Profiling process, while still keeping the manual Refine option to allow further accuracy. Because as I've mentioned before, not being able to improve a Capture any further after it's taken is a huge drawback in comparison to the KPA's ability to keep trying to Refine to perfection :)

    And sorry to hear about you selling your KPA. Sellers remorse is rough when it hits you hard! Lol but I'm sure another KPA, or another great unit, will be in your near future ;) I'm sending you some positive vibes brother!

    If you are thinking of limiting the options in regards profiling (which might help level the playing field with these kinds of unscientific videos), can you make it a choice so the original options remain?

    I agree!:)

    If automatic-Refinement is added into the Profiling algorithm or something, that would be awesome and it would make the KPA's overall accuracy much higher with less work! But it would still be extremely beneficial to have the option to Refine further, just in case it's still needed.

    I think the lack of an option to Refine with the QC is a drawback because there's no way to improve the accuracy of a Capture after it's taken. But when making Profiles, you can Refine as much as needed and that's where the KPA has a huge leg up in that area! Best to keep another one of the best features of the KPA!

    In the situation in the video, I think Jarrod (from ToneWars video) didn't Refine. When I asked him, he said he get's bad results from Refining and his Profiles sound further from the source Amp when he Refines. I think in this situation, at least part of the audible difference is because of a lack of Refining the Profile properly.

    Also, in the past he's been vocal about disliking Pure Cabinet for high gain tones and like many high gain Profile users-he prefers Pure Cabinet off for anything high gain and he always has it off globally. I doubt he would have had it on in the video but I'll ask him and update this post later :)

    But I have seen a lot of other people accidentally mess up comparisons by unknowingly leaving on Pure Cabinet. I've also unfortunately seen a ton of people make negative comments about the KPA's sound because they didn't know about Pure Cabinet or didn't know to disable it.

    I think the KPA's factory settings should have the Pure Cabinet parameters off in both the Output and Cab block. So many people don't know about it and many users don't take the time to read the manual (although they should! lol ?).

    Pure Cabinet is such a polarizing effect, because people either love it or really dislike what it does. And when people dislike what it's doing to the tone but don't know about it to begin with, it makes them think they just dislike how the KPA sounds and it gives a negative impression of the KPA's sonic qualities. I've even seen it turn people off of the KPA and ruin their experience with it, quite a few times.

    It tends to give high gain tones a kind of "sameness" in the high end and that effect being on from the factory settings can lead to a warped representation of how great the KPA can sound when they first turn it on. Having the option to control it globally is great but it's an effect that really should be set per rig after knowing about it to begin with, and most people don't read the manual right away.

    Since it's an effect that people either really like or dislike, and it isn't a very obvious setting, it would make sense for the factory settings to have Pure Cabinet off. Having it as an option that's not already on would not only avoid a ton of misunderstandings and mix-ups, but it would also be beneficial because the people who are using it at that point are consciously and knowingly turning it on.

    Anyways, just my 2 cents. I mean no disrespect and I'm only trying to make what I think is a truly helpful suggestion:) It would help keep these sort of mix-ups and not very great representations of the Kemper from happening so unfortunately often.

    I love my KPA and it's a shame to see misrepresentations and unfair comparisons when I personally know that 100% accuracy is possible with the KPA and I know it sounds amazing. I'm just as frustrated as you CK! The lack of proper representation for the KPA, and all of the unfair comparisons are getting to be incredibly frustrating lol