Posts by frets4vets

    For anyone else who may have this issue in the future, MSB and LSB in bandhelper should NOT be 0 it should just be left blank. The 0 will cause the app to exit

    we looked at livetraker and settled on Bandhelper for 90% of what we do and Multitracker on ipad for the tracks, we only use 6 and play all the other stuff. We opted against livetracker because we didn't want to be dragging windows machines around. And bandhelper allows screen OR action broadcast, so my guitarist can see what he wants to see, while I have everything else on my screen, but when I advance list his and the drummers list all follow, much easier for calling audibles. Our song list is around 382 songs and we each have our own visible pages for lyrics. like in one song I only do a spoken word part so that's all that's on my screen, guitarist sings song so full lyrics on his, drummer is too dumb to sing so he gets BIG letters for songs and a blinking box around each saying "follow this speed" which is sent MTC, and also to the delay settings in gtr kemper

    sounds like the performance load parameter in system menu is set to pending.

    what SHOULD it be set to instead of pending? for the scenario of, i click on the midi preset at beginning of each song, so like Man in the Box is patch 1e and I want to have that come up as soon as I hit the midi send where i'm sending lsb1, msb1 patch 5.. cuase you know the guitarist is always walking around, never in front of the remote lol

    My guess is that the Kemper is setup to use either 0-127, or 1-128

    This is faded memory, and my kemper isn't running right now for me to check, but it might explain why you're out by 1.

    i'm not out by one, i'm not loading the correct settings at all.. he just clicks a button next to it and goes back to the selection that midi sent and it loads the correct patch.. Investigating the performance load parameter to see what mine is set on vs what his is as I don't have the issue when swapping mine for his

    so our band uses an app called bandhelper to run lyrics and send midi patch changes to my keyboard rig, my bass rig and to our guitarists Kemper rack. Here's where something new has gotten flaky. when I send out midi patch change from the ipad I can see on his remote that the patch changes to say bank 2 patch E, BUT ... the sound isn't patch E from bank 2. he has to physically click a button next to it and back onto switch E to get the correct sound to load.. it wasn't this way before, maybe something in the firmware update, idk. Kemper is on midi channel 2 and nothing else is using 2, midi commands being sent are msb 1, lsb 1, patch 10.

    to further stump you.. I use a kemper stage, I copied all his performances to the stage and it can't be replicated on the stage

    Any ideas?

    so i'm using bandhelper to change all presets for every thing in the band, kemper, keyboard, light control etc. I want to go slightly next level but can't find the info in the manual, or i'm not understanding what i'm reading. I want to send a midi cc message with the bpm of song to direct the delay tempo to match. I know there's a cc for tapping it, but my guitarist is usually not in from of the controller when songs start. Is this possible?

    It would be killer for me for three things, one we need better compressors especially for bass profiles. Two how about some better choruses with switchable sine/tri waveforms and selections for up to 8 voices. Also a bandpass so it only effects higher range on bass would be sweet. Three it would be nice to have a switch on each stomp to select if effect was parallel or serial so you could have more tonal flexibility. And plus one for being able to move any of the 8 efx blocks to anywhere in the chain