Posts by linusius

    Sorry, no idea as I am working with the RigManager all the time when I am creating Performances and selecting profiles. On the computer screen it's way more overview in such a big pack as Bert's BE100 stuff.

    Yes, I see, I had a similar experience when I got the pack. But I anyway always put an EQ in the X effects slot with high and low cut. With Bert's BE100 profiles I'm cutting the highs at around 8,5khz or even a bit lower and the lows below 100hz. That cleans it up nicely and makes it ready for the sound guy. No fizz anymore 8)

    By the way with the next official release of the firmware Kemper will introduce the high/low cut as a standard in the Output section.

    there is already an EQ block in the profile, but so have no idea where it cuts.

    Yes, 2nd quote refers to the Kone but Kone is not only FRFR speaker, its main advantage is imprints usage, i.e. it behaves like particular guitar cabinet so switching automaticaly to FRFR mode seems to me like nonsense :( btw, I want to use Kone as soon as it will be available - that's why I am asking.

    Yes but you wouldn't want a regular cab simulation with the tone I guess? It uses imprints instead. This quote is probably mistranslated though

    Did you pick switch the cab simulation off when going in the Switchblade? Did you select Merged profiles from the pack in order to properly get rid of the cab portion in the profile? They are the ones with an "M" in the name...

    ok - I used a non merged profile then.
    how can I read the whole name of the profile when it doesn’t fit in the display?

    Yes, I was very meticulous about NOT using a simulated cab. I used Monitor Left to the FX return & had cab sims off for monitoring.

    The band thought it sounded better than the tube amp but I felt there was something wrong. Some trebly fizzyness to it. I shall try with a merged one.

    I’m after that Friedman brown sound but with heavy distortion for old school thrash metal

    i have the same monitors,but then could be your guitar,i have a Fender Strat with Seymour JB on the bridge,if the profiles sound too boomy try to raise the definition button or lower the bass a bit.

    I have a thin sounding Charvel DK24 with an EMG 81.

    I tried them at very low volumes. They did sound good - I was just worried about how they’ll sound at full volume through an amps power stage & a 4x12 with a band with a lot of palm muting.

    what is a merged profile?

    If you want to up the gain- is it best to do it with a Green screamer, pure booster or the gain knob?

    I tried FRFR (along with the other guitar player -100W Marshall tube1/2 stack)..Could not even keep up....The FRFR lacked the "air moving thump" the other guitar player is simply meant for a monitor in this case...I bring the Boogie Recto 4x12, game over. Sometimes, the band says I'm too loud...I run at about 1/3 volume and it is PUNSHINGLY loud and full. EQ settings are much different at band volume vs. bedroom level (duh..), but more tweaking is needed EQ -wise than let's say my Mesa MKiV head (from low to loud volume..) No big deal, as it only took a few minutes to dial it in. I only use 2-3 High gain tones, and some cleans, which were all profiled with the same cab to begin with, so they work PERFECTLY live. I don't understand how someone using a powerhead thru a guitar cab wouldn't be loud enough. If you play in a top 40 band (..covers..) Finding a good guitar cab that will "generally work" for most tones... If you absolutley have to go from Marshall high gain to Fender50's tweed to Diezel Ultra high -gain, and then a plexi,,...Go buy an expensive hi watt PA system to go direct with Kemper... 4 Kones and load up a 4 x 12. Probably the best solution.

    do you have the powered kemper or a power amp?

    The reason we can’t hear the singer isn’t because we want to be louder than him. It’s because the PA is very bad - it’s just 1 old active pa speaker behind the drummer & a smaller 1 for the singer to hear himself.

    In the metal bands I’ve played with the drummer usually decides the volume. I’m not a drumming expert but it seems to be impossible to adjust the volume on acoustic drums when playing metal. We set the amps until the drummer says “OK, I can hear you”.

    Fair enough, we've all been here.

    I think you need your own rig, FRFR is my preference. My suggestion is, get a power amp and then you can drive whatever speakers/cab you want. Loads of choice but I'd get something with plenty of headroom, stereo for me is overkill...

    how much wattage will such a power amp need? Is the Orange Pedal Baby 100w enough?

    The problem is that the rehearsal space doesn’t have a real PA system capable or handling both a singer & a guitarist. It’s very bad - the singer is barely audible between the wall of sound from the loud drummer & tube amps.
    I will need to build my own FRFR rig. What are the best speakers? 1 or 2? Active or passive? Good power amp? I’d prefer it if we would all use in ears at rehearsals but that doesn’t work unless everyone is in on it

    Hey, I'm the new guy so I let the others decide what volume I should have. The Switchblade is a programmable tube head so I have a louder "patch" for leads.

    My hopes were that I could just bring a kemper stage from home to rehearsals & plug it into an appropriate power-amp+cab & have the same sounds & patches I have made at home. At home I use the kemper through 2 small studio monitors

    Next time I'm bringing my tube head & 4x12 with v30's in it.

    I'll also make sure to disable to cabinet. I'm pretty sure I did so last time, but it'd make sense if I didn't.

    Can I use the kemper stage with the so-called 4 cable method? I've owned this unit for some time now & I'm still not comfortable with editing & storing performances etc.

    When you need to have a volume that can compete with a loud drummer, my experience is that solid state doesn’t work. There’s nothing more than squishy treble in the tone, regardless of the pre-amp. It might sound just like a tube amp at lower volumes, but when you get loud, there’s more “body” to the tone with a tube amp.
    granted, I’ve only used 100w solid state heads or 1 FRFR speaker. Maybe it would be different with more wattage.


    I brought my kemper stage to a rehearsal & used it into the fx return of a solid state Marshall. The other guitarist had a Mesa Mark III & it sounded a lot better. I had the same problem I always get with solid state amps; beyond a certain volume all I get is more treble. Sounded horrible.
    I’ve also tried it in a 1 guitar band into a H&K Switchblade tube amp & it was a lot better.

    For rehearsing with a band using traditional gear; is it wise to use an FRFR set-up or is it better to go with a tube power-amp & speaker? Basically use the kemper as a pre-amp so as to blend in with the band?