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Posts by IngoRockt
Fast alles ist korrekt dargestellt. Lediglich der letzte Punkt ist falsch. Wenn die Performance nicht gespeichert wird, gehen die Änderungen im Rig ebenfalls verloren, wenn du die Performance wechselst oder wenn du mit den Tastern einen anderen Slot aufrufst. Wenn du mit den "Seitentasten" einen anderen Slot aufrufst, bleiben die Änderungen solange erhalten bis du mit den Tastern einen anderen Slot aufrufst oder die Performance wechselst.
I use the LEHLE 3AT1 SGOS in front of my Stage. Using midi to change the performance when acoustic guitar is active.
In der DAW stumm schalten.
Well i am pretty sure the Kemper team is not made of employees that just turn up at work to drink coffee. So ofcourse something is in the works.
They are drinking coffee and answering in the forum...
The manual is your friend
You can create your own folders in Rig Manager.
one option might be to have Master folder for all projects (project folder). Then a sub folder for each individual project. Possibly even a further level for each track within a project. The choice is yours.
Another option is to use the project folder in your DAW and simply copy the rig file into there. Then you can reload it into the Kemper manually if required.That!
I cannot guarantee that it is so, but I have always understood it as you do. That's why I hardly use volume master. I use the mixer faders for overall volume and the rig volume to match rigs.
No, i mean ALL my rhythm sounds on performance 1. 5 different sounds to chose from. ALL my lead sounds on performance 2. 5 different lead sounds to choose from.
And to answer your question: Ofcourse i do. Why wouldn’t i?Switching between Performances causes a lag, because the whole Performance must be load into memory. Switching the slots in one Performance is without lags.
I just got my Kemper Stage 12 days ago so this discussion is just what I needed. I just loaded my 1st profile 2 days ago and organization was not at all clear as far as what I wanted to do. I still haven't figured out how to re-arrange the rigs in the Rig slots.
I'm looking at this from a couple of angles. I have about 20 guitars, including mandolin, banjo, Pedal steel, Baritone, and Dobro. So I want the best rig for each, of course. I could set up 20 performances, 1 per instrument. Then, I have found that in my later years that I can make more money and do less work recording than I can playing , so I invested in my recording studio about 15 years ago. So from the studio angle I want to save the exact settings used to record. That's where the per song performance use works for me. If I want to punch-in/out I want the same exact tone. I can also keep profiles sorted by artist.
I am thinking that the backup/restore function will allow me to eat my cake and have it too. All that and I don't have to clutter up the Kemper . To that end I have a 128G USB drive dedicated to the Kemper Stage.
I store the rigs and/or performances in my project folder.
I had the same issue with mine...lack of feel of the switch when engaging/disengaging.
I replaced the switch with another brand, although I dont recall which brand it was.
It was an improvement, but still not nearly as palpable as a a crybaby type switch.
Now i just rely on the orange light in Stomp 1 to tell me when it's on/off.
So do I. And I listen to the tone
Just look at the lights of the stomp and fx buttons. They will give you a hint what is on.
Maybe a Haar Strat with Koopmann - PU.
In performances the rigs are stored separately from Browsemode. You can delete all rigs in Browse without loosing your performances.
Bei welchen Profilen tritt es auf? Mit dem Hinweis können wir testen, ob das bei unseren Geräten ebenfalls auftritt.
Kemper writes:
"To upgrade PROFILER Head™, PROFILER PowerHead™, PROFILER Rack™, and PROFILER PowerRack™ via USB memory stick from OS versions before OS 7.3, OS 7.3.2 needs to be installed first! Older versions than OS 7.3 on these models don't recognize this new integrated OS revision. For this purpose OS 7.3.2 can be found on the Download Page at Older Software Versions:
HW writes:
Tall Weeds Myth Dallas" - 3 profiles of this underrated gem of an amp. It has a beautiful OD voice and at times brings out a texas SRV type flavor but unlike the Super Reverb Stevie used, this amp seemlessly churches and ads midrange. A very classy sounding amp! -
I think it is a boutique amp.