Posts by Quent3006

    Which pedalboard is tthat dude?

    Hey everyone !

    I got few questions, if this been solved in a other thread, please send me the link and i will mark this one as "solved".

    1) I play mainly live with the Kemper and here what i want to do.
    I want to play with in-ears, the in ears system is connect to the mixer BUT doing that means that i'm hearing my guitar from FOH.
    So what is the solution for me hearing the band but also have a different guitar than the one in front so i can mix myself in my ears ? Because the sound who go to FOH may not be the one than i want in my ears. I use a wireless SHURE system (PSM300).

    2) Do you guys play with your Main EQ flat and you trust the sound engineer or you do your EQ ? I always feel like, i'm not in the front, i'm on stage so he knows better than me whats going on there so i want to give him the opportunity to tweak the front IF NEEDED. Whats your experience with it ?

    Cheers !

    Personally unless you run stereo FOH, not much point.

    I've stayed mono as I prefer a tighter focused sound but that's personal preference, considering the relative cost, why not :)

    Hey V8 !

    I will definitely go stereo (fake one), you need 2 Kempers for a real one, BUT the effects in stereo .. in my opinion is totally a different univers and approach... and to be honest the HeadRush is so small and light than having two will be so easy !

    Stereo front and monitors

    I probably would have bought (or at least looked at) the HeadRush 108 if this thread had existed five months ago. Five months ago when I got my Kemper the DXR10 was the clear powered FRFR recommendation. Now I wonder what will be the next recommendation five months from now?

    Another 108 for stereo ? ??

    Congratulations mate.... surely a good thing and happy that you made the real life test in the store. In the end that's the only thing that can convince and fit it to your personal taste.

    Was not so bad to do it... ha? Happy that the hint turned out to be a good one :)

    Thanks !

    Well that’s why I love about forums, you think only about 1 thing than everyone use and someone bring ideas, you check it out and you make a choice...

    So my wallet and ears say thank you to you hehe !

    Glad you made your choice, nice one.

    For info what I meant is in an unpowered monitor, I am controling the power amp only and therefore the volume of the amp. With a powered monitor, you are changing the amount of gain into it from the KPA, which is different because you will have less range ( between not enough gain and the associated noise to clipping/unwanted distortion). Its not a big deal but more of a balancing act to manage.

    Ah ok i know what you mean now ! Thanks for explain it !!!

    Hey everyone !
    I been to the shop with Yamaha DXR10 of my friend and tried the HeadRush 108 than Ingolf recommended.

    I bought the HeadRush 108
    This is why :

    1) I'm fulltime session guitarist based in London. I play live 90% of time, mainly with IEM's, so i don't need something than can be very very loud as a Yamaha DXR10 (trust me, the HeadRush is freakin loud, i mean, enough for live as YOUR MAIN monitor). For the gig without in-ears, the HeadRush will be perfect as well as my main monitor if needed.

    2) I bought a kemper for stop carrying loads of stuff. I use to play with big pedlatrain pro with flycase and wheels (all strymons, boss es-8,...), Marshall JCM800 head + 2x12 guitar cab etc. The HeadRush is small/light easy to carry.

    3) THE SOUND : right! the most important part. I don't want to start a fight between Yamaha and HeadRush, i do think as said Ingolf, than is subjective. It sound very amazing for how it looks lol! When the guy bring it to the room, i was like "i will not buy that for sure".. Dude, this thing is very awesome, it's very clear.. you can definitely tell than there is a bit more bass, (46 instead of 56 in the Yamaha) but is not "boomy" IMO. The DXR10, sound really good too and i knew it.. just read forums and you will see than loads of people use it , some people like the "in your face" and some like me don't like it.

    I play mainly rock music, i was very impress how sound the HeadRush with high gain tones. I played with my 2x12 guitar cab all the time because i wanted the "amp in the room" feel. I don't miss that with the HeadRush. It don't give you the amp in the room, but it's strange because is sound so good than you dont miss it at all, and he give you this little thing who reassure you and than you trust.
    And trust me, when you come from a JCM800 and a 2x12, you need a lot for convince you to don't have a guitar cab on stage.

    Again, i tried low/med/high volume to 11 (yes you read right, fucking 11 lol) . I just play, stop playing, watch the seller and we just laugh... like, how this thing small like that, can stay clear at 11 ? The frequencies stay there, i'm happy than he got more bass than the Yamaha, the Yamaha have a lot of mid when you play it loud volume, some people like it again, it cut the mix and i thing is good when you use it as MAIN FOH. For just monitoring, i don't like to have something who give me too much mid frequencies, but again is my opinion and personal taste.

    I tried some profiles with clean tones... Sound really great again, 62 Princetone patch from ToneJunkie sounded great with it.. and it sounded not good with guitar cab before.

    I do think than both are great, that's why is better to try it, i spent night and day on forums... you can read everything but nothing can beat your own ears and taste. Thing than i forgot, thats why i wrote a threads...

    4) I can now use 100% of the Kemper. When you play with a guitar cab, you miss a lot of things than the Kemper can do. The profiles seems to sound the same (because your guitar cab colour everything). I tried some profiles, different tones, amps.. And now i can hear the difference between patches. I know some great musicians playing with a guitar cab and miced the cab for play live.. but i think you miss the magic of the Kemper.

    Again, when you use a guitar cab, stage volume for programming the Kemper, you create an amazing tones for the stage, the band said "wow, amazing tone tonight" and you go in the audience and realize than you sounded shit.. and my best friend who is guitarist too said to me "dude you sounded very bad"... that's why i wanted to have an FRFR, for be more accurate with FOH. When i will dialing tones at home using stage volume with the HeadRush (please go check Fletcher-Munson theory/curve if you dont know it), i will be more comfortable and i will know exactly what i'm sending to FOH.. even if ok, venues depends so you may need to tweak just a little bit sometimes, thanks Kemper for creating separate EQ. But i mean, the patches will not sound crap or totally different at all. Hopefully i just played 3 smalls gigs with the Kemper so i realize it quick enough than an FRFR is the solution against this bad experience.

    6) THE PRICE:
    Just paid 230£ (UK) for the HeadRush, the Yamaha version 1 was something like 400£. So it's a great great great deal for what you get! I didn't want to spend too much. I know than the Yamaha got 7 years warranty... which is amazing. But i was more about the tone than i was looking for and not just the warranty stuff.


    For 230£, i got the HeadRush 108, which sound awesome to MY EARS. Enough volume for gigging if dont use IEM's, and the sound is very great, trust me. Small/light. I'm verry happy than i bought it !
    But the Yamaha sounded great as well, really depend what you are looking for and your personnal taste (AGAIN!!!).

    I will play 2 rock shows in theatre this week end + a gig in a med size venue with an artist which i need loads of tones and effects. So i can write my LIVE EXPERIENCE with the HeadRush next week. But i'm sure it will be awesome!

    PS: may buy another one later for the stereo heaven !!!

    Thanks guys for sharing your experience,setup etc. Sorry again about the "newbie thread" it was a new world for me (and it still) !



    Thanks for your message.
    I do want to go with active monitor. For simple reason than my band have 1 backup kemper and it's a unpowered one. So in case i have a problem, i'm not fucked.

    Also i don't really understand when you say than you prefer it because you can control your stage volume using the KPA and not the monitor ? Let me know if i'm wrong, but the KPA can control active/passive monitor with master volume knob if you unlink the Main Outs, so using the KPA for control the stage volume. That's what you mean ? I'm a bit confuse.

    You can’t go wrong with either of them, DXR 10 or Headrush 108.

    My verdict and my decision in favor of the 108 should be considered purely subjective. Both are great and deserve to be checked out.

    Hey Ingolf!
    I think will go with HeadRush.. as i said, i play a lot with IEM's, just want something good for dialing tones at home and be sure than it will be the same (or very close) on any FOH venues...

    I seen that the HeadRush can be very loud in case i want to use it as main monitor on stage... so for the price etc.. i do think is a bang !

    Regarding the dxr 10 and loud enough, it depends on your genre of music and how hard your drummer hits..

    I play in a metal/rock band and the dxr 10 has been nice, but it starts to fart out when you are starting to hit 2`o clock on the volume dial:P

    I am now looking at a dxr 15 to supliment :)

    Hey Xander!
    I'm not playing metal at all, the loudest is like hard rock kinda vibe. 80% of the time is bluesy rock, classic rock stuff !
    Thanks for sharing your experience with it !