Posts by zero71

    I think I'm just going to return this and get a simple 4 button momentary pedal instead. If I can only have 9 or even 24 performance slots, and must select the performance via a bank button, then this isn't that useful to me. A 4 button pedal instead to cover stomps will be fine, and half the price.

    this is how I use mine :)

    I’ve set the KPA to 4 slots per performance then have a clean, crunch, rhythm & lead channels.

    The top four switches are then used for distortion (B), pre-amp Modulation (C), post amp Modulation (Mod) and Delay.

    It works well for this type of application.

    I can't get the cust1 or cust2 to go above 9 banks. Honestly I'd be happier without any banks and being able to just send a performance slot change and a stomp change, but it seems that's not possible.

    I don’t gig. I just want it for home use so going cheap. But I’ve just noticed that the bank buttons can’t be reprogrammed. That’s disappointing! Max of 4 slots in a performance then.

    I was making a performance for each amp I like to play, and treating each slot sort of like an amp channel. Guess I need to go back and delete the 5th slot. And limit stomps to B, C, Mod, Delay.

    Hey, thanks for the quick reply. I wonder if setting up a morph CC on the second press would work? Honestly I’m not sure I need to be able to morph, but it’d be fun to play with. I’ve never done any midi programming before.

    You had any freeze issues? I see there’s new firmware to fix that but I don’t have a PC and their update tool is not Mac compatible. I’m also assuming that said firmware is compatible with the Harley Benton variant.

    You don’t need to change the start up every time.

    It won’t morph.

    Yes #CC50-54 will work. Remember that communication is one way with this pedal. If you press something on the KPA the midi controller won’t know it’s been pressed. For example if you turn a stomp on the foot switch, then turn it off at the KPA, the foot switch will still think it is on.

    Hope this helps

    Does nothing in browse mode? Tip: don’t use the pre-programmed Kemper setting, use one of the 2 custom settings and program your own midi commands. I have my bottom 4 switches selecting 4 patches in a bank, and my top 4 switches selecting stomp C, D, Mod and Delay.

    If I set up the 5 buttons at the bottom to access the 5 slots in the currently selected performance using codes #50-54, can I simply change performances via the Kemper itself and these 5 buttons will then let me select a performance slot - without the need for me to have banks on the midi pedal? I'm happy to change performances with the Kemper rig buttons. If I press the same foot switch a second time, will it morph? I'm thinking about setting it up to give me 5 stomps B, C, D, Mod, Delay, and 5 Performance slots.

    Also, do you need to choose the startup mode every time, eg Custom 2, or does it remember which you selected and automatically boot to that next time?

    Hi All

    This is probably a stupid question. So I have a bunch of profiles installed on my Kemper. Using rig manager I can select these profiles rather on my computer from the MyProfiler section to load them on my Kemper - however it opens them in preview, so if I make any changes I am forced to save as a new profile rather than overwrite.

    Is there a way to trigger the Kemper to properly load the profile rather than preview it, so any changes can be stored via replace instead of store as? The only way I can see to do it is to manually scroll through profiles on my Kemper to load it, which isn't as convenient as selecting it in Rig Manager.

    Digging this back up. Hope you don’t mind. I’ve ordered the Meloaudio Midi Commander (well actually the Harley Benton version).

    If I want to be able to morph in performance mode, the above post implies that I just need to press the appropriate switch to send a performance slot change #50-54, then press it again resending #50-54 to morph? The manual suggests that #36 needs to be sent to morph making me think I need say #50 on first press and #36 on second, rather than #50 twice?

    Also, manual talks about temporary mode and latched in relation to #36. What does it mean?



    Hello all. New owner here. So I sold my Axe2 a few months back with the intention of replacing it with an FM3. Months later it looks like Europe won't see it until next year so I started checking out the Kemper. Had a play at my local store and bought a stage. 2 days later I returned it for the head, just more ergonomic for home use. Really like it so far. I'm convinced the head has a more powerful headphones amp, as it sounds better through my HD6xx headphones. Could be my imagination. Anyway, hi!

    List price is US 1399 (direct from Fractal is 999), so it'll still end up the same. Generally, they just swap the dollar sign for a pound sign...;(

    G66 are already quoting 1200 Euros, so less than £1100. So yes, the difference may not be as much as £450, might be closer to £300-350. Checking with local dealer if there's any discounts to be had on the Kemper.

    Former AxeFX owner considering a switch to a Kemper Stage. Reading this thread it doesn't sound quite ready yet, should I wait a bit?

    Sold my Axe2 with the news of the new FM3 which hasn't released so far so am without an "amp" for 4 months. The Stage looks to be about 50% more expensive than the FM3 which could be an issue financially. Eek.