Posts by jamiecollazo

    What are the “many problem” with the stage.?

    Faulty switches yes and a few FW issues that are being ironed out. We are on FW 7.0.5 now and IIRC most FW issues have been sorted.

    I agree the faulty switch issue is not good and very frustrating for people who have purchased them and had to send the stage back for another one. Other than your time it’s not cost you anything out of your pocket.

    Like I said I’m picking mine up next week and not worried one bit about if it might be faulty. If it is i’ll Try the next one in the stock room :)

    Oh- you should worry.

    So far I've showed up to a gig and had my entire "basic rig" in performance slot 1 (that I spent hours tweaking) be completely reset, effects buttons unassigned, backup from thumb drive did nothing. To add to it, I've just tried to update to OS 7.0.6 and the kemper is now bricked. It boots to this screen. I've put a lot of trust in Kemper by switching over to the stage and I've had such a horrendous first experience and I'm terrified to bring this on the many large gigs that I have coming up.