Posts by mattclarkmixer

    thanks for your help. What I mean by control pedal serving different functions on different performances: I have a single expression pedal that I have set up to use as a wah wah. If I wanted to have a different performance without wah wah could the expression pedal instead be set to be a volume control on that performance only?

    I’m using a midi track on Ableton Live to automate patch changes, etc on my Kemper Stage. I use the Max4Live Kemper controller to program the midi.

    What I haven’t figured out is how to effectively automate overall patch volume. Max4Live only has 1 way to automate volume that I can tell which is automating the volume pedal.

    The problem is that the volume is not gradual at all. It’s practically all or nothing. Is there someway to adjust this range within the Kemper? I don’t use a volume controller pedal by the way, just a wah controller pedal.

    I’ve tried automating volume with CC7 and that seems to take away gain as well as volume which is not what I want.

    Also, is it possible to have my controller pedal serve different functions on different performances?

    is it possible with the Kemper Stage to copy an effect from one performance slot to a slot on a different performance? From what I’ve read it’s possible on rig manager but wondering if you can do it directly from the Stage.

    Also is it possible to copy an entire effects chain to another preset? So I could use it with a different amp for example.

    Make sure the MIDI Channel number of the PC you are sending matches the MIDI channel number assigned to the Profiler in the System Menu.

    I thought I was doing that. I've got the Mac transmitting on channel 1. There's two pages I saw in System on the Kemper. One had device A and device B which are both set to channel 1. The other had a setting on Global, no luck. I tried it on channel one as well. Didn't work.

    Just watched a video on how to do program changes in Ableton Live on my Mac laptop and followed it to the T. I'll come back to the video shortly.

    My Mac is plugged into my midi interface and then to the midi in of the Kemper. I've inserted a midi clip with a Program change for Bank 1, Program 16 on the Kemper. On Ableton Live you have the option on the program change to send Bank, Sub, and Program. The guy in the video says put the Kemper bank in the Sub section and program in the program section. So, I did that but when I play the clip it is not changing anything on the Kemper. I tried using the Bank section and that didn't work either.

    There is a little circle looking thing on the right side of the Kemper screen that is showing activity when I play the midi clip, just nothing actually changes on the Kemper. What am I missing here?


    While you navigate within a Performance using front panel controls or Rig Manager Editor, the edits of all five SLots are maintained. And if you store the Performance all five Slots are included in their current edited state.

    If you navigate within a Performance using foot buttons (Rig Buttons of Remote/Stage) or MIDI, the edits get withdrawn as soon as you load another Slot. If you store now, only the edits of the current Slot survive, the other four SLots 4 stay as these were stored before.


    This seems the most likely scenario for my situation. I really thought I had stored slot 1 (the one that lost the effects). In fact, I made these mods to Slot 1 the night before and turned it off . Does the Kemper keep those unsaved changes in memory even if you turn the unit off?

    Newbie question here. Hopefully you guys can answer this for me. :) I have a performance set up with slot 1 containing a tremelo and delay. slot 2 is a lead patch. I wanted to raise the volume of slot 2 so I navigated there and used the rig volume knob to turn it up. Then I clicked Store. The rig saved fine but when I went to slot 1 my tremelo and delay were deleted. Any idea of what I might have done to make that happen?

    Wanted to give a little update on this. I got it figured out that the SPDIF on the Kemper needs to be the master on the wordclock instead of my Pro Tools interface. i.e. now Pro Tools follows the Kemper's wordclock. Big difference. Now it sounds as it should, which is awesome! Thanks for everyone's advice. :)

    Remember that when you are using analog, you are adding your interface preamps to the mix so they are bound to add something to the sound that going direct digital would. You may just prefer analog because of this.

    That is something I had thought of as well. Pre-amps can indeed color things, but this seems more than that.

    I read something that says that the Kemper needs to be the digital master and my recording interface needs to get it's wordclock from that. Anyone know if that's accurate?