Posts by dragonlord

    Hello there! I have a Stage and just ordered a C4. I was wondering if I'll be able to control the C4 from the Stage in any way. I saw that the C4 is midi controllable so I thought it should be possible, but then I noticed they use a mini usb port for midi so I'm not sure any more. Any clarification or suggestions welcome. Thanks!

    I was wondering if, with the new RM release, there is any chance of also releasing it for other OSs, like ChromeOS, Linux or Android. I'd be very interested in a ChromeOS version (but recent chromebooks also run Linux and Android apps, so any out of the three would probably do).

    Hello again, I'm one of those who were asking for dual, blendable profiles before I got my Kemper, seemed like a nice option. Well I got my Stage a few days ago and all I can say is wow, what an amazing piece of equipment. And although the option to load two profiles might be helpful to some, I actually don't miss it at all, I'm good with the parallel path. Just wanted to say congrats to whoever has worked on the profiler, it is mind blowing, I'm selling off all my other equipment (pedals and amp/cab). I can now carry all that I need to play in my gigbag!

    Pretty sure there won’t be a bigger unit.

    Kempers' philosophy is that everybody prefers a different pedal.

    I for one like my Dunlop DVP-3's much better than the pedal in my Helix Floor.

    Yes, I guess it might not make sense financially either to produce another unit. But I do think that, since there is an official exp. pedal, at least a way to clamp them together for a semi-permanent solution would not be too expensive to make and might come in handy for a lot of players.

    Not a Kemper owner yet, but I'm planning to buy a Stage soon. I thought it was a little strange that it doesn't have an expression pedal built in, like the Helix for example, but then I thought a bigger version might be released later. Then I had another idea, what if there was a way to clamp the Mission expression pedal to the side of the Stage? They seem to be the same length (depth?) more or less.That would be a nice aftermarket option, and of course they could also be sold as a bundle. I know you can mount the Stage and Mission next to each other on a pedalboard (which is what I'll eventually do), but it would be nice to also have one unit you can move around with just a soft bag. Just wondering if there are plans for something like that, or a bigger unit with the exp. pedal built in, thanks.

    Thanks a lot for the suggestions! But I haven't read the best comments on the Kemper's distortions, so I think I'll prefer an overdriven tube amp profile for that. I'll try everything, of course, and see what works best, but my bet is on a distorted profile with a little clean DI with compression blended in on the parallel path.

    Fractal Audio stuff will do this. It's a modeler but they still sound pretty good.

    From all the samples I've heard, Kemper is the only one that sounds just as good as an amp to me. Fractal is close indeed, but still not as good, so I think I'd prefer to keep my current pedalboard+amp setup than go with a modeller. I've been playing since the 90s, where anything digital was basically crap, and the Kemper is the only thing that made me say "wow, digital is finally there".

    Two profiles starts to get away from the simplicity of making a profile and playing. We a closer to modelling and the constant tinkering from the way I saw Kemper.

    With real amps you would need 2 setups for this, so why not buy a second Kemper instead of producing a more expensive unit? I am thinking about a second one for live now the Stage has 2 loops:-)

    I'm sorry but this comes off as pure fanboyism to me. Using the same logic, you should be complaining about the effects too. With real amps you would need pedals, so why not buy pedals instead of having them built in the Profiler? I'm sure the Profiler is an amazing machine as it is, that's why I intend to buy one anyway, but why complain when someone is suggesting something extra? If they can do it and you don't need the extra feature, just don't use it, or don't buy a -hypothetical- more expensive unit. If they add dual profiles, literally no-one will complain. I don't want to buy a second Kemper, just like I prefer not to have external effect pedals, I like simplicity and all-in-one solutions.

    Lack of DSP resources; the current architecture and chip set can only run one profile at a time.

    You can however utilise an EQ and compressor, for example, in the parallel path, to get closer to a clean amped sound.

    I was wondering, though, whether the Stage uses the same chip - has there been any confirmation of that? I was reading that it was near the end of its life cycle, so I was thinking that maybe the Stage, being brand new and I guess with plans to be around at least 5 years (the original profiler is what, 7-8 years old already?), might probably have a newer and more powerful chip which could allow more.

    Phase would not be a problem.

    But I think a dual (parallel) full Rig topology would not meet the requirements of most users that want to run dual amping, because you want to plug both amps into the same studio effects most of the time.

    Am I right?

    Hello there! I'm a bass player and I'm looking into buying a Stage soon (was waiting for an all-in-one Kemper for a while). So I'm not familiar with the Profiler and I'm not sure I understood your answer why a dual rig isn't possible, but I'll tell you how I intend to use mine. I like keeping some clean signal blended in my sound when using distorted tones, it retains the clarity and low end. I found out that I can do that with the parallel path, blend in some clean DI sound, and it will probably be good enough for my use. However, it would be great if I could have my clean amp sound in the parallel path instead of the DI. Looking at the video of how parallel path works, I was wondering why an amp block isn't possible in the parallel path too. I know it wouldn't cover everyone's needs, but if it's possible I think it would be a great addition, personally I would definitely use it. I can see why others (and mainly guitarists) would like a stereo dual rig, but I'd be fine with a mono blend, even if it means no duplicated effects. Thanks for your time and for making a game-changing product :)