Posts by TempleOfFive

    Hi all,

    Don't think this is an issue with my Stage, just looking for some advice/input/etc. I have both of the powered speakers mentioned in the title. When i'm practicing with my band using the Line 6, I have it cranked as loud as it will go, even with the monitor output of my Stage maxed at 0.0db, I can barely hear myself over the drummer. Just did a little test, Line 6 maxed, Tech 21 at 50% volume... output monitor level at -18.8db, the Tech 21 is louder than the line 6 at 50%. Not by much, but definitely is louder. How is that possible when the Tech 21 is only 60w, and the Line 6 is 250w? My only complaint about the Line 6 so far is the volume doesn't seem to be 250w, just proved to myself at least that's it's not as loud as I feel it should be. I've seen a few other people on here mention volume level of the L6 seems to be low... am I doing something wrong? Is there a setting on the L6 that I need to adjust that i'm missing?


    Hi and welcome.

    A number of pedals work well. Do a search of the forum many users use different ones. The mission EP1‑KP is great and the Dunlop DVP3 or DVP1XL are also a good bet. Other have used relatively cheap ones such as a M-audio EX P expression pedal as the kemper has a calibration facility to get the best out of the sweep of different pedals.

    Try this for starters

    Suggestion for expression pedal with kemper

    Cool thanks, i'll check that out and test mine out to see if they work.

    Hi all,

    Just got word that my Stage was just delivered at home. Can't wait to mess around with it. Been wanting to get a Kemper for a long time. Finally got my "gear" card paid down and decided to splurge and get it instead of a new guitar. Hopefully I love it as much as I think I will based on all the videos i've watched on youtube and the great tones i've heard from a few local bands and a few national acts. A few questions...

    1. I know, obviously, that I can profile amps... I see that my current amp is already listed in the Rig exchange (Fender Bassbreaker 15), however I have swapped the stock speaker out for a vintage 30. I normally run it almost totally clean, just a little bit of grit on it and the reverb on the amp. My main sound/distortion comes from a Revv G3. Would it be worth profiling it with that speaker & the revv? I like the way it sounds, never been blown away by it, but it sounds pretty good.

    2. Almost every video i've seen on youtube, people recommend the Mission expression pedal. Are there others that work with it? I have the Line6 EX-1 pedal, and a Moog EP-3 already from previous pedals/devices.
