Posts by andreio23

    Do you mind sharing videos comparing an axe to the real thing and being “extremely close”?

    No, it's not. The ability to compare is a necessary adjunct to my argument, which is that the profiling process isn't always accurate and could thus be improved. You can't know whether a profile is accurate unless you compare it to the reference amp.

    That would be enough to demonstrate that the profiler is able to produce accurate results, but I never claimed it can't. My claim is that it doesn't always produce accurate results and could thus be improved.

    You don't think the Axe-Fx or Quad Cortex will be doing what?

    The fact this is an issue at all should put the debate about whether the profiling process can be improved to bed.

    Whether you or I think a given profile sounds great is independent of whether it sounds accurate enough to the person who captured it. Of course, a profile doesn't have to sound accurate to sound good, but if I'm trying to profile a specific rig that sounds perfect to my ears, accuracy can be very important.

    That Soldano video showed Kemper is quite good at profiling. Are there 5 amp models in the world that cannot be profiled accurately? So be it, you have the other hundred that can be.

    I dob’t think everyone has the same latency sensitivity.

    I know people who can’t tell the difference between 60hz and 120hz monitors.

    To me it’s a night and day difference. To them it’s nothing.

    Truth be told there is a noticeable difference in latency between something like an Amplifire and the Kemper.

    I’ve owned the Mooer Ge200 and I own an Amplifire and they are both faster.
    I sold the Helix as soon as I compared it to the Amplifire for this reason. The Kemper sounds too good compared to the Helix so that wasn’t a problem though.

    Exactly! All the videos I have watched so far demonstrating the QC's capture feature never got as spot on to the original amp as this video.

    I guess for the home users who want to capture their amps and don't want to spend the time refining to get it dead on the QC might be a good choice. Personally I don't have anything to profile/capture. I rely mostly on the commercial profiles out there. I want those profilers to be able to nail the amp as accurately as possible and the Kemper delivers the tools necessary to make that a reality.

    At least for the capture/profile part of the QC, I see no reason for me to switch.

    These guys are probably paid by kemper. Bea is paid by ndsp.

    The problem is not that Bea’s profiles are not accurate. The problem is Bea’s captures don’t match the accuracy of the profiles in this video.

    The uglier problem is that there is no wiggle room with the qc. No refine, no advanced parameters so it’s safe to say that the captures Bea produced are as good as they can get at the moment.

    Yep, he said they are working on consolidating the Cloud facility, which seems to be a critical part of their strategies. Apparently, it was not performing the way they want

    That’s ridiculous! Working on firmware and the cloud one month before the promised release date and still hoping to meet it means he either is lying or he has no idea how software development works.

    No harm intended by the way. I just find it funny that the same “influencers” who 3 years ago were promising that the Kemper Profiler is super accurate now have turned around and find a myriad differences in tone.

    I also find it funny that people jumped on the bandwagon both times, no questions asked.

    What? Bea said that QC sounds even more realer? Better get a more realer Kemper or I HAVE to buy the qc.

    I mean it’s not my money but just an observation ...

    That's cool. Personally, if I had to choose, I'd keep whichever unit had the best amp tones vs. effects because I can always add effects after the fact if I have to. I agree with you about the Axe's routing capabilities, though. They're awesome, and I think the unit has some excellent effects. That's the main reason I'm using it with the KPA. In my opinion, they're superior to the Kemper's built-in effects, though I think the Kemper has slightly more authentic / organic amp tones overall. After listening to a lot of demos with both the Axe and Kemper, it seems to me the Kemper's amp tones tend to sit a bit better in a mix. They just blend in very naturally and gel extremely well. The differences probably wouldn't be noticeable to the general listener. A lot of non-musicians don't exercise a high level of scrutiny or listen with a critical ear, and that's fine. On the flip side, that isn't to say I haven't heard some excellent demos using the Axe. Some of them sound just as good, so I'm not suggesting the Axe isn't capable. The Axe can be made to sound as authentic in a lot of cases with a little (or a lot of) tweaking.

    However, when I watched Michael Wagener talking about how he's used every modeler out there and honestly couldn't tell the difference between his real amps and the Kemper, that pretty much sold me on its authenticity. Wagener has produced some of my favorite melodic rock albums, so to hear him put it in those terms means a lot to me.

    Just asking because here’s another interesting quote of a post written by you in 2016.

    What changed in the meantime?

    Yes, seriously. How is it even remotely relevant?

    Here's why it's not relevant to the question AT ALL. Because profiling my amp or you profiling your amp isn't a REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLE. If your profile sounds spot on, what does that prove regarding the accuracy of profiling in general? Absolutely nothing. It's a single solitary example.

    Computers are perfectly precise and can be described mathematically in exact ways.

    If I am able to profile an amp perfectly then it proves that perfect profiles are achievable and any deviation from this result is due to user error.

    I asked how it's even remotely relevant whether anyone has profiled an amp in order to determine whether a Kemper profile someone else has profiled properly is indistinguishable from the reference amp, so I'll ask again. How is whether I've profiled my amps remotely relevant? Tell me.

    But then how can you know how the profiles you buy sound compared to the amps they were based on?

    It is relevant in a scientific sense. Once you’ve learned everything there is to know about profiling. Once you try and fail a good number of times. Once you can properly profile some amps but others you just cannot.

    Then you might say that it is imprecise. Just because one person or another says that it doesn’t mean it’s true because its possible that they didn’t go through the whole experience building process.

    Listen to the clip I posted and close your eyes. Can you honestly tell which is which?

    Some of the discrepancies I (and others) hear between certain profiles and the reference amps they're based on are, at times, significant, so if the profiling process could be improved to remediate the difficulties the KPA has profiling certain amps, then could be a good selling point for a KPA2.

    How many amps did you profile yourself and what setup did you use?

    There’s a large difference between profiles made by people who know their stuff well ( like in the video I posted in my previous post ) and youtubers like Rabea or Paul.

    Big difference!

    I mean ...

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    How much better can it get? An improved CPU will not change anything unless it runs new code. If new code existed it would've been tested on current hardware already. I doubt the CPU ever was a bottleneck ...

    The only things I would like with a Kemper two would be lower latency, an improved editor from an usability point of view and maybe a slightly more free-form signal path ...

    And while we're at it, before whining about Kemper's "lack of accuracy" just check this out and look how pro's do profiling and refining. Everybody should shut up afterwards.


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