Posts by robodork

    Sorry to reply so late to this post, but I just found this and wanted to share it with those interested in mounting their Kemper Stage on a pedal board with Dual Lock.

    Dual Lock is awesome, I agree. I was searching for the perfect way to mount my Kemper Stage to my giant pedal board without restricting airflow to the vent on the bottom. In my search I found these little things from a company called Waytek inc ( It was $10.90 for a pack of 25. They are basically Dual Lock disks without adhesive but with a hole four mounting with screws. And the bonus is the Kemper Stage screws that hold the rubber feet in place hit perfectly. The screw head fits perfectly in the recess and the screw shaft fits the hole perfectly. And who doesn't love it when the shaft fits the hole perfectly right?!

    But seriously, these things are like a direct replacement for the rubber feet. You will still need some Dual Lock to mount to your board. I just cut four 1" square pieces, attached them to the Dual Lock disks I replaced the rubber feet with. Made sure they were straight, pleased the tape and stuck it to the board. It's not going anywhere!

    The other cool thing that I thought of with these things is to take the rubber feet that were removed and use properly sized machine screws and nuts to attach the Waytek Dual Lock disks to the top of the rubber feet. This way if you want to yank the Kemper Stage off of the pedal board for home use sans pedal board, you could just slap the rubber feet back on via the Dual Lock. Thereby protecting the Dual Lock and also keep the Kemper Stage from sliding around on surfaces like hardwood floors and smooth basement concrete floors. I have not done this part yet as I intend to leave the Kemper Stage on the pedal board at home also.

    I hope you find this useful.

    Don’t give up yet Bidulemachinchose, let Kemper support have a chance to get you sorted out. I bought my stage from Kemper US store and my unit had a non functioning foot switch in the 2 position. I contacted them and they replaced it with a new unit that they tested before shipping. They overnighted me the new unit with a prepaid return shipping label. That unit is working perfectly and I could not be happier. I understand your frustration, especially since playing guitar is how you make your living. Let them send you a new one and get that glorious Kemper t-shirt! Good luck brother, hope it all works out for you.

    Thanks for that madbanjoman! Got a chance to test it out and everything is functioning as advertised. Updated Rig Manager and Kemper OS to 7.0.4 tested out usb connectivity and I experienced no issues at all, everything is smooth and fluid. Big thanks to Matt at Kemper for the prompt service! And thanks too all of you that responded and advised, this is a great community!

    I’m gonna go piss off the neighbors ????

    Well, after not hearing back from Kemper support for a few days after receiving the initial autoreply, I decided to call them on the phone yesterday morning. There was no answer so I left a voicemail. Someone called back a bit later but I didn't recognise the number so I didn't answer. Called back again and spoke to Matt. Matt was awesome! Basically, he said that they had one left from the last (3rd I think he said) shipment and that he would open it, test it and ship it out to me that very day and that I would have it tomorrow. He said they will overnight it to me and a return shipping label will be in the box and all I needed to do was pack up the old unit, slap the return ship label on it and drop it off at the UPS store. The new unit arrived this morning at 10:45 as promised. Wow! That is some fantastic support, I am duly impressed with Kemper and their commitment to their product. I did not have a chance to open it or test it as I have to work today, so I will be getting the new one set up and tested this evening. Thanks Kemper!! By the way, whatever you're paying Matt in support... It's not enough :)

    Thanks for sharing your experience Alienator, this information helps to level set my expectations. I have been following your 'effects switch III' issue thread also. Glad to hear you have received yours back fully functional. I opened my case last Wednesday afternoon around 5:30 CST. Got the autoreply and then so far nothing. I anticipate I will hear back today. In your 'effects switch III' thread I saw a support person request that you post you ticket number. I wonder if that would help in my case. Just thinking out loud. I have still been enjoying the hell out of this thing, even with the broken footswitch 2 ;^)

    Thanks Ingolf, no worries, I have been an early adopter before and I understand that comes with some risk. From what I’ve read, Kemper excels at support, so I’m not really worried. I’m just sad that I will have to be without my beloved Kemper during the return/exchange process. I’m in St. Louis area in Missouri. And thanks for your reply! I see you are an active, well informed and helpful forum member so thanks for chiming in and sharing your experience. I definitely can’t limp along like this. Today I tested the looper... and with a non functioning switch 2, I can’t stop or delete a loop. Lol.

    Hi All,

    New guy around here, just sold off my old rig to fund the purchase of the Kemper Stage. First, I love this thing, I'm sold, it sounds fantastic and I like the interface. I have had mine for just over a week, been playing with Rig Manager mostly with the unit on my desk and not really using the foot controls. Well Wednesday after work, I put it on the ground on my pedal board and started running through patches with the foot switches. While doing so, I discovered that switch 2 is not working on my unit. I opened a support ticket and got the autoresponse immediately, but I have heard nothing since. Does it usually take a couple of days for a response from Kemper support?

    Peace, Love & Guitar,
